The one thing everyone agrees on, is the future of America is at a crucial if not pivotal point. The decisions we make will effect not only us, but a
huge portion of the world as well. We might argue the details, but we all agree, its at critical mass. So, when I listened to the presidents speech
yesterday, I realized, there may not be anything we can do about this "wienie water soup" spewing idiot, but we dam sure better get it right in the
next election, or we might as well give up.
Then common sense settles in, and Im like, really? The Winner of the Presidency is announced before I can get to the polls in California. It seems
rather dumb to hear who the winner is, on the radio, while driving down to vote. The polls arent even closed yet! So, I turn my car around and
celebrate the next puppet doing the will of his masters.
I campagned to help Ross Peroit, and Ron Paul, and if the system wasnt rigged they would have won. People were fed up and wanted some common sense in
the Whitehouse. And look how far the will of the people got us. Ross' family was threatened so he had to stop. I have already learned that there are
people in control that do not hear us. They do not care about the will of the people or the popular vote.
I refused to vote in the 2000 election, cause we were given the choice between Gore and Bush. I refused to vote for either one. So, I stopped
voting. And how funny, as it turned out, it didnt matter anyway, because Gore won the true American peoples vote. But, the Puppet Masters decided
otherwise, and Bush won the electoral vote and was president. (I think they needed a bush to implement their plans).
So here we are again, before the year is over, a voice for the people will emerge. And it appears to me, that by the time we get to vote, the two
choices will be, Hillary or Jeb. Two cheeks on the same Butt. I cant in my wildest dreams, believe the final two choices will be Bernie and Trump. I
just dont see the people being given those options. I will be surprised if Trump lives another year. He is saying stuff that will get him killed.
Now they might decide to throw a bone to the people and make it a Killary/Trump or a Jeb/Bernie But, it will not matter as long as they still have the
ability to rig the end game. The Electoral College. But, by now, Ive realized they only let us vote, to spread responsibility for the mess they make
on the people by allowing a mock voting procedure, that is really only meant to entertain us, and distract us.
This would almost be funny, if life and death didnt hang in the balance. We need our Grid protected, we need stiffer vetting of the refugees, Our
borders contained, our infrastructure and food and water supplies protected. Not to mention, we all know American leadership is responsible for
millions of deaths in the ME through their greed and warmongering. While selling war to us under the name of spreading democracy and protecting the
world. Im sick of the waste of time and energy distracting us with more useless gun legislation when we have so many more important issues at hand.
Like Like Global Warming. lol
If things stay the same we are screwed. Its never to late to stop the madness. I have no peaceful answers and that truly scares me. I am worried
about where this is all going. I think the whole political arena has been created as a distraction. Its designed to make us believe that we actually
vote these people in office. I want to vote, but if it comes down to "bad" or "worse", I can only vote, by not voting.
Recipe for wienie water soup: Boil some hot dogs in a pan of water, remove hot dogs. Walla- Wienie Water Soup.
Thank you for listening to me spew my own soup.
Here is an interesting link about the electoral college. I dont have an agenda to stop the electoral college, its just a random grab off the web I
thought was interesting. From their article:
Presidency can be won without a majority of the popular vote
As the 2000 election demonstrated, it is possible for a president to be elected without winning the popular vote. Nor was the Bush/Gore election the
first time a presidential candidate has won the presidency while someone else claimed a plurality of the votes cast. Andrew Jackson and Samuel Tilden
won the popular vote in 1824 and 1876 respectively, only to see someone else walk into the White House.
As an even more common occurrence is for a presidential candidate to win both the presidency and the popular vote without actually winning a majority
of all ballots cast. This has happened 16 times since the founding of the Electoral College, most recently in 2000. In every one of the elections,
more than half of the voters voted against the candidate who was elected.
With such a winner-take-all system, it is impossible to tell which candidate the people really prefer, especially in a close race