I'm not a pagan nor a wicca and I still say that you're talking nonsence.
Wicca dating all the way back to druidic times? I don't think so. Wicca is here since 1940-1950 when Gerard Gardner formed it. Wicca is formed with
witchcraft as it's foundation but Gerard made several changes into the system of belief and magical workings that it has become something different
from each other. A link posted on a page prior to this one explains what Witchcraft is and the differences there are with Modern-witchcraft named
Wicca. Even though I think Gerard has a demonical look about him, his teachings are fair. The way wicca's choose to follow it as they seem fit is a
different matter.
Druidism...well no one knows how old it is. Its first literature references date back to 200b.c. and about 400a.c. any reference to druids are gone.
There are indications that bards had druidic traits and referred to them as drewds and other phonetic writings and wordplays. The culture of mages
appeared in that timeframe and these mages had the same traits as druids had. A connection with nature and no connection with manmade societies.
Making it possible to become very wise and travel trough nations freely and fulfill roles as advisors and diplomats. Around 1400-1600A.C. druids came
back into the foreground and public view. However there are reasons to believe that these druids do not follow the same path as the old druids used
to. This because a lot of bardic scholars had their own ideas about what druidism is and how it should be practiced. Thus neo-druidism, druidism as it
is known and practiced today, was born. A respectfull writing about this is the book Druids and Druidism by Kendrick.
Witchcraft is ancient as well. Practiced in many forms and shapes. Just think about certain sisterhoods who worshipped female earth gods like the
greeks did to Hera.
As for Satan and mind control. I'm sorry, but church and other organised religions do excactely the same. Do you see the irony in your own writings?
Church uses rituals as well without telling their followers about it. The simple prayers, the symbolic meaning of the whine and bread just to name the
commonly used ones. And believe it or not but there are Apostles and Bishops that follow the occult and magical practices as well. Alchemy is
considered Occult as well, even though the pope was against it during the 13th or 14th century many bishops still kept practicing it. Later it got
accepted by the church and in the 16th or 17th century there started to be a seperation. Alchemy practiced by church and the chemical aspect became
chemistry into the scientific mainstream that started growing. Still the alchemecal spiritual symbolism is still often used in church and
Druidism and witchcraft, Christianity and Judaism all have sprung from ancient Shamanism. So it isn't odd that all forms of belief systems have
common grounds. But to call one evil or wrong just because you prefer another stream/path of belief is just ignorance. You say you studied/researched
a lot in those 6-10 years? Then I wonder what it is you've been studying, because you're not showing any knowledge, let alone wisdom, in that one
post. If you understood your studies you probably figured out that everyone has to find their own path and not one is right or wrong. You have found
your own path and learned that your path is not a magical one, be happy with it and move on.
Another thing to think about is Arizona Wilder< she mentions that these holidays that I used to celebrate, and it makes sense. Halloween,
Samhain, it when the highest form of ritual takes place, and children are sacrificed by reptilians. Also, all those holidays are druidic, and
paganistic. Anything to do with pagan is worshipping many gods, which is not ok...because you are then opening yourself up to problems..
Are you even serious? I get the impression that you're making 80% of your post up. Samhain is an festival called sabbat and it is celibrated in the
same way as hallow's eve (halloween). It is said that this is the time when the layer with the other world is at it thinnest so that you can remember
and communicate with loved ones that past away. One night in the year to remember them as they used to be. There are no heavy rituals nor any
sacrifices by reptillians. What the hell do reptillians even have to do with this? You read about them on the UFO/Alien boards of ATS? And no Sabbat
holidays are not druidic nor paganistic. Do you even know what those 2 are? These holidays are from celtic folklore and it just so happens that Druids
celibrate them, but wicca's and witches do not per se. The Sabbats aren't even the main holidays for the wicca's but the esbats are, the
celibrations of the moonphases and equinoxes.
Paganistic..pfft. Pagan comes from the term Paganus, which refers to "He who lives on the fields". They were people who lived outside the large
countries and off the fields they worked on. Pagans respect nature and live with it in balance. When christianity came to rise the phrase Pagan got a
very different definition. Simply anything that was NOT based upon a Judeo-christian belief was a Pagan. A pagan became a poor synonym for heathen.
Even budhism, hinduism were paganistic beliefs according to christianity.
Anyone who didn't want to conform to judeo-christian beliefs got killed. But still the christians took many deities used in other religions and added
them to their own belief system as a form of compromise. Christmas for excample is a compromise so that "pagans" could save their life and still be
able to celibrate the winter solcetice. Jezus has nothing to do with it. His birth wasn't in December, but because no1 knew when it was they used it
this way. If you substract the months that various Roman Emperors added tot the calendars and you'll get a more accurate month in which jezus was
born. Gaia/Hera and the likes were taking and transformed into the Holy Virgin Mother. And there is much more which was "stolen" from paganistic
beliefs. So much that christianity has become Paganistic themselves. Go follow Judism if you truly want to follow God and Jezus.
What a bunch of ignorance. God gave Free Will and people will choose what they want with their lives. God is all and made everyone in his image, not
his physical image but his energetical one. Everything is God ranging from the planet to the plants to the people to the seas and the oceans to the
air and the stars and the universe. Seeing God is everything he encompasses everything...he is both light and dark. Light and Dark is the dual
dichotomy of Good vs Evil which I've explained so many times is only in the eye of the beholder and their personal belief system. There is no
universal right or wrong because everything just is untill you Judge it. God said NOT to judge unless you want to be judges meaning everything just IS
untill you have to give an opinion about it. an opinion based on your own belief and moral system. Opinions are subjective and so is everything which
people consider to be either good or evil. God is both light and dark and he does not give people the tools to do something and punishes them when
they choose to use them. Why give people Free Will? Just to see them screw up and condemn them?
Everything you posted is ignorance and an illusion. Go back to your studies and perhaps in 6-10 more years you'll find the true answers.
Written reply by an Occultist (personally prefer the term "Practitioner of Life") whome studied intensely for the past 4-5 years and beliefs in The
All (called God by some and named different by others)
[edit on 10-3-2006 by Enyalius]