Hi Guys, My 1st post here on ATS...I wanted to post a question here related to a potential coverage fraud issue I experienced while cancelling my
personal healthcare coverage. A little background first:
I moved to northern IL to take an IT job with Caterpillar in Dec 2014. I was offered employer sponsored " coverage " that was incredibly horrendous:
- $500 a month premium
- $6000 individual deductible
- $11,000 max out of pocket cost
- %60 co-insurance
The employer was Rose International based out of Missouri who is essentially an IT staffing firm. Clearly after seeing this plan my first reaction was
" How is a plan like this even legal? " that quickly shifted to " Well its time to go find an individual plan on the markets." Which clearly
seems to be the plan going forward with some employers. That being, ' lets make our plans so horrible they won't want them and force them into
individual markets, therefore saving tremendous cost. '
So after looking at the high priced crap plans out there being offered to the public, I found CoventryOne in IL that offered a Silver Plan for
- $250 a month in premiums
- $2400 deductible
- $3000 yearly out of pocket max
- 80% co insurance
Not bad, but still not great like benefits used to be back in the 1990s/early 2000s.
The Potential Conspiracy:
As some of you may well know, Caterpillar has gone through a drastic " Restructuring " process to the tune of 2 Billion US dollars which has lead to
a lot of job cuts throughout the world. It did not affect me personally but I still chose to leave the company anyways and landed a new job that I'm
starting next week. I have employer sponsored benefits and no longer need my CoventryOne plan.
I called CoventryOne to cancel the above plan and to my shock the first person I spoke with told me my plan was never active!!
Coventryone - " How can I Help you ? "
Me - " I'm switching jobs, have employer sponsored healthcare and no longer need my current plan with you. I need to cancel my plan with you"
CoventryOne - "Can I have your Account number on your card? "
Me - " Sure its 1234XXXX "
CoventryOne - " sir I need to place you on hold. I'm having trouble cancelling this plan because I show its inactive and I can't cancel something
that's already non active "
Me " That's strange. I have been paying you premiums every month since Jan. How is my plan inactive? "
CoventryOne - " You've been paying us premiums ? How much ? Since when ? "
Me - " 250 a month since Jan ? "
CO - " I need to place you on hold to ask my supervisor how to proceed...can you hold ? "
So they put me on hold, and after he comes back he tells me they are trying pot proceed with cancelling the account but are still having issues. A
few mins later the phone call is terminated. Might have been due to cellphone issues on my part but I call back and speak with someone else who tells
me yeah your account is active and we go through terminating it again which goes through without a hitch. That call also terminates abruptly before
getting to the end of the conversation.
So question for you guys:
Anyone else run into issue where you're being charged for a policy that's not active/ providing you any benefits? Any way to get proof of their
fraud without letting them know you're onto them ? In my case its likely too late but for those out there with private insurance like this you may
want to check up on your policies and put these vampires on the hook if you can.