a reply to:
Oh no doubt, there is most certainly an increase in mass shootings. Anyone that denies that needs to go back and look.
However, trying to remove guns will not fix that. We have a shooting and immediately the question jumps up:
"How do we get rid of guns so this doesn't happen again?"
That's the WRONG question (any Doctor Who fans on this thread?).
The RIGHT question is:
"WHY are these mass shootings increasing?"
America has been a "gun culture" for over 200 years. In all that time, when did "mass shootings" start?
Well, we'd have to filter some of that as some of it is not the same. The Civil War and the shootout at the O.K. corral is not the same as the kook
that wandered into PP and killed 3 people, or the idiot that walked into a theater and shot a bunch of people.
Same with Gangland style drive by shootings by some of Capone's boys back in the day. That was gun violence all right....and even with stricter and
stricter gun laws, we still have gangs in cities blowing each other away.
I'm talking about some SOB walking into a church or a school and killing a bunch of innocent people. Shootings like that.
How often did those happen 10 years ago? 20? 30? 50? 100 years ago?
You'll find that things like this happened about as often as a blue moon back then.
So what has changed?
Well....a LOT has changed since those days. And I'm not too sure that you could point your finger at any one thing and say "That's the cause! That is
what is causing people to go crazy and start shooting everyone!"
Personally, in my opinion, I think if we look really hard, we'll find that there might be quite a few things that over time might be the cause, or at
least might be credible to look at.
Society all around the world has changed a lot in the past 100 years. People are glued to electronic devices (TV's...computers, laptops, iPads, smart
phones) all the time. The family unit is different now too. It's rare to have one parent that works, and one that's home to raise the kids. Instead,
both parents are busting their rear ends to try and make ends meet....and have little time for those kids they are raising.
Cities: Think they were crowded before? People are jammed pack in cities in today's world. Like sardines, forced to rub elbows and be in each other's
There are all sorts of social issues that people have in today's world that didn't even exist a hundred years ago. People totally stressed out over
things that didn't exist before. Think about that guy stuck in traffic, with bad cell phone coverage, trying to reach his wife (who's also stuck in
traffic) trying to figure out who is picking up the kids from daycare...after working 14 hours for a large corp where profit is the only
thing.......would he be in that same situation a century ago? He'd have other stress back then.....but not quite the same I think.
Ah me...dribbled on again. Time to eat dinner.