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UC student who threatened to kill 'white devils' released and allowed back to classes

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posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: chuck258

Your examples have nothing to do with this topic and getting pissed and calling me a hypocrite for having a difference of opinion is just stupid. Judge me all you want but I have said nothing about BLM or anything else you're babbling about.

posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm
Look, I'm not saying he's not a threat or not to keep an eye on him. But both these guys made a threat. One was more detailed but neither one actually did anything so why treat them so differently??

This is not about both guys. In my OP I even said...

" I don't care what color someone is. If they threaten to KILL others there is NO reason that they should be released."

If you want to compare, the guy who traveled cross country did not shut down a school of 30k enrollees and thousands of employees.

People can say what they want. When they threaten, take notice. I don't care the color if someone threatens others it should be taken seriously. Put him in county for 6 months instead of going to college. A privilege.

Throw in the case of the girl who made the fake threats at another college during a BLM rally.

Out of control...

posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

I don't care about color either. But neither guy actually did anything. Both are making threats. Both were let go but only one is of any concern to everyone.

posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

Under the law, only one made threats. I can say I'm going to confront someone all day long, and it's not a threat, even if I have a history.

posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: mOjOm

Under the law, only one made threats. I can say I'm going to confront someone all day long, and it's not a threat, even if I have a history.

He's also making videos about seeking them out and harassing them while showing off his guns and has a history and white supremacist background. Now, I'm not saying they are the exact same but under the law you are also innocent until proven guilty and neither one did anything other than talk. Both need to be watched imo but I can't see locking up one and not the other.

posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

Because that's still not a threat under the law. That's at worst harassment. No matter how you try to make it seem, there's still a huge difference between the two. You can't imply someone is going to do something based on their history, or what they show in a video.

There's a huge difference legally between the two. One made overt threats that the was going to kill someone, one made a threat to harass someone. If you can't see the difference, and how they're vastly different, then there's no point discussing it.

posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58

I already said I see the difference. How they're vastly different, no, because they aren't. Can you see how similar they are is what I'm wondering.

posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

They're similar, yes, but one gets you arrested, and one doesn't. The person in this case made a direct threat that he was going to kill someone. So, if I say "I'm going to go out and kill as many black people as I can", the police should just ignore me, and let me do whatever I want, until I start shooting? There's a huge difference between that and "I'm going to go harass as many black people as I can because of how they act". Yes, both are making claims of taking action, but one is blatantly illegal, and the other isn't.

If the police had ignored him, and he HAD gone out and started shooting, people would be screaming about how incompetent they are, and how they ignored him and now X number of people are dead. But since they actually arrested him for threatening people, now they went too far.

posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 03:13 PM
This dude has some major problems and needs to be released to a different place to get help other than his mother (who may have fostered this ignorant hatred in him from the start). Hopefully he doesn't do anything stupid...again.

But on the lighter side...

posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

One told people to 'protect' themselves like he is. A warning to watch out for those around you. He cocks a gun saying he is ready for someone to give him trouble not "i'm going to be at point A on specific time and will kill as many white devils and cops' as I can.

BIG difference here man. The young man in Chicago also caused a huge problem for 10's of 1000's of people.

Sounds like momma needs to beat some ass with a shoe...
edit on 12pm31pmf0000002015-12-02T16:09:35-06:000435 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 07:18 PM
What's most disturbing about this is that a large percentage of people who go on killing sprees leave behind a warning very similar to the one this guy wrote. The wording shows that he was quite serious and very capable of mass murder. If my child went to that school I would be extremely concerned until this threat is removed.

posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 09:42 PM
Scared of a Facebook post?

He excercised his first amendment rights. We don't need the state to take care of this kid until he's committing a crime.

posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 09:55 PM
He was an engineering student . . . .

How the hell is he going to do half of his classwork if he cannot use a computer? Seriously even if it is just mechanical, that excludes him from using solidworks and matlab, in addition to any other more specialized software that is basically required for coursework.

This is crazy.


posted on Dec, 3 2015 @ 01:58 AM
a reply to: matafuchs

So, when this guy carries out his threat, will the judge be held criminally complicit?

This is beyond insane.

posted on Dec, 3 2015 @ 03:13 AM

originally posted by: mOjOm
a reply to: Zaphod58

I already said I see the difference. How they're vastly different, no, because they aren't. Can you see how similar they are is what I'm wondering.

come on. One guy said he was going to kill people and then kill cops, the other guy didn't.

posted on Dec, 3 2015 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: matafuchs

It takes less than that to throw an Arab in Gitmo for 10 years.....

posted on Dec, 3 2015 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: SlapMonkey

Nice to see that someone else here speaks Wachootoo.

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 03:28 AM
Makes a lot of sense.

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