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originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: ringdingdong
It's still a hell of a lot worse than taking in the equivalent dose through the digestive system.
No it isn't.
Muscle injection allows the vaccine to be absorbed slowly into the system.
There are exceptions. The modern flu vaccines given to US Army personnel are nasal aerosols.
Vaccines MUST be introduced into the system slowly. The whole point is to elicit an immune system response.
originally posted by: Metallicus
California begins injecting children with mercury... flu shot 'shortage' cited as bizarre justification... state safety laws nullified to push vaccines...
California Health and Human Services Agency Secretary Diana S. Dooley has just cast aside a law intended to protect children from mercury in vaccines.
"I am granting a temporary exemption from California Health and Safety Code Section 124172 for seasonal influenza vaccine with trace levels of thimerosal to be administered to children younger than three years from October 9, 2015 through December 31, 2015, because the current supply of thimerosal-free vaccine for young children is inadequate," declares Dooley.
California Begins Injecting Children with Mercury...
Well this is disgusting. Apparently California is suspending their own safety protocols to ensure that every child gets their shot of mercury ladened flu vaccine. The sad part is there is no choice for parents. Do you want to attend school in California? Then get your mercury injection.
I am NOT anti-vax.
I have received vaccines in the past after doing the research and I have also turned many down even though my doctor was pushing them. The key is I have a choice and people in California don't.
They KNOW that these shots containing Mercury are dangerous for young children yet they still insist on forcing them on these families. Nevermind that they rarely even have an effective flu vaccine because the viruses mutate too fast these days. Even though it is likely to be ineffective to prevent the flu they are going to force a guaranteed dangerous shot on children.
This is plain evil. If there was a choice I could just say no, but forcing them on you to attend school is insanity. There are some good vaccines and I got my daughter immunized against most common childhood diseases, but I had the ability to say no to flu shots and Gardasil and other junk that were unnecessary and possibly dangerous.
Taking away freedom of choice from people is unAmerican and just plain wrong. I don't accept that people can just not send their kids to school. If education is a fundamental right then so should the right to make informed decisions regarding your family's health.
originally posted by: ringdingdong
a reply to: Bedlam
Reopened on grounds of poor reasoning. Snipping my quote out of context and providing an extreme example might be viewed as clever to some, but is in poor taste and choosing to miss the point.
The point is about differences in rate of absorption of toxic chemicals via different pathways of exposure. How much less cyanide is needed to be lethal if inhaled? That would be mildly relevant.
originally posted by: BMorris
Thimerosal is not mercury any more than table salt is chlorine. Its thimerosal. A molecular compound.
Thiomersal is very toxic by inhalation, ingestion, and in contact with skin (EC hazard symbol T+), with a danger of cumulative effects. It is also very toxic to aquatic organisms and may cause long-term adverse effects in aquatic environments (EC hazard symbol N).[19] In the body, it is metabolized or degraded to ethylmercury (C2H5Hg+) and thiosalicylate.[12]
originally posted by: Nodrak
a reply to: projectvxn
Rational Wiki seems just as dubious to me... So many ad hominem fallacies on ATS lately..
Actually everything he's saying in that video makes complete sense.
You're free to keep doing what you want.
I haven't had a flu vaccine in over 7 years and I'm never sick, maybe sniffles once in a while that I shake off within a day or two. Haven't had stomach flu in as long as I can remember.