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Tsunami by Satellite, who knew....?

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posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by Koka
Maybe, but would very much doubt it, satellites cost a little too much to just leave them pointing at inconsequential coast lines, which is what it was until it was hit.

Lots of stuff goes on in the indian ocean, piracy, smuggling of drugs products and people, ocean currents, ocean surface tempuratures, scientific research, naval expeditions, anything. Most of the planet is probably being monitored in one way or another at anyone time. Also, keep in mind that the pic shown need not be the full zone monitored. They could be monitoring a very wide area with very high resolution, and then after wards just crop the area they are interested in and blow it up to get the details they want.

As I said before, I don't believe there is necessarily a conspiracy here, I'm just interested to find out when they were alerted to the Tsunami's existence,

A fair enough question, to be sure. Not really certain one would be able to find out. Might be a FOIA deal.

Two weeks before the quake the area was under a terrorist alert

Its indonesia, its the largest muslim country on the planet, and its completely unstable. It has roving paramilitary armies of seperate sects, mulsim, christian, whatever, fighting against each other. Its not terribly unusual for any part of it to be under a terrorist alert.

And what is the connection anyway? There was a fear of a terrorist attack, so 'they' made an earthquake to make a tsunami to kill the terrorists? Or the terrorists did it?

If the US could generate 9.0 earthquakes and tsunamis I don't think that there'd be any f'ing around. There'd be a constant series of them in iran and indonesia and darfur and anywhere else that was a threat. Turkey won't allow overpassage for the iraq invasion? Oh, 9.0 in constantinople, tidal wave wipes out the northern muslim portion of cyprus, smacks the greeks around a little too for not being too useful. Syrian and Lebanese coasts destroyed along with parts of the gaza strip. The US would rule the world if it could use something as minor as HAARP to kill nearly 200,000 people and destroy entire regions of the world. There'd be no way to prove it, becaues the very idea is ludicrous, it'd be untraceable, but it'd also be so constant. Instead of sending unmanned drones to iran, they'd cleave the ground in two. There'd never be another terrorist attack again, because people would be to busy trying to find food and water to even leave the country.

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 09:03 AM
I seem to remember a rather large quake in IRAN a couple of years ago. 20,000 dead.

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 09:13 AM
KokA ...I tell YOu WHO KNEW...
Feest Your Eyes On This Mojo...American Gothic..
Here we are, because time has some of the qualities of a tsunami, deposited in 2005, whether we like it or not. As the year changed, nature trumped the Bush administration in an appropriately, if horrifyingly Biblical way, with a preemptive strike against shorelines jammed with rich tourists and poor peasants alike. And even in the midst of the collective horror, much of what the Bush administration is, much of whom we now are becoming, showed through unbecomingly.
Mojo My Azzz..
Only one small spot in the vast Indian Ocean basin "seems to have received full advanced warning of the waves to come -- the ostensibly British island of Diego Garcia, which is actually a sizeable U.S. military base, a stationary "aircraft carrier" for the war in Iraq. It also houses "Camp Justice," one of the secret little hideaway resorts the administration has set up, or contracted out for, on prime global real estate to hold "high value" prisoners in the war on terror.

Hi there DOC; any 'Comments'..

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
I seem to remember a rather large quake in IRAN a couple of years ago. 20,000 dead.

It was on exactly the 26'th Dec 2003,30,000 dead I placed a thread about that yesterday ..prdicting ,well this year's ...

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 10:25 AM
As much as I am anti-Bush, I can't join in on this rhetoric.

Lets us let the aid get to the places and wait for the contracts to be awarded, then we can raise debates on the oppotunistic attitude of the US Admin.

It seems that whatever disaster takes place, the US is going to get blamed to some degree, directly or indirectly.

Your damned if you do and damned if you don't.

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 11:00 AM
I was not refering to opportunistic attitudes,I Glad to see the whole World pulling together in a good cause..
But I heard yesterday John Howard,AU president..saying He was more concerned about money going to weapons instead to feeding the hungry...Is'nt that a bit too paranoic...
As for all the pledges made,they still have to become a reality,like Doc said about the quke in Iran last year,They had been pledge with a Billion $,what they got was 17million$...
If I might add I had'nt yet read the full article I posted,Iwas just back from work and it was in my know alerts..and actually this one was under leaks...

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Koka
It seems that whatever disaster takes place, the US is going to get blamed to some degree, directly or indirectly.

Your damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Yeah, I find it ridiculous that people could think it could've been deliberately instigated. I don't even think a nuke could cause such a thing. And yes, I am damned.

[edit on 6-1-2005 by Damned]

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