posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 11:52 PM
originally posted by: Kali74
a reply to: Aazadan
I respectfully disagree. Should A&E not have been allowed to suspend Phil Robertson? I don't remember your stance on this if you presented one.
I don't support this particular instance because it seems selective on CNN's part but I also don't know what employees of CNN are required to agree to
when they sign their contracts.
I don't pay much attention to popular culture, I had to look up who Pat Robertson was so no I probably didn't give an opinion on it. My stance is
that if what you're doing is officially representative of the company, then the company can dictate how you behave. Otherwise they should be hands
off even if they don't like it. Making a comment on your personal twitter account even if it mentions you're an employee of a company should be 100%
ok. Making a comment on that companies twitter account should carry more restrictions.
The Robertson issue is a little more tricky, because the product being marketed is his personality. In essence he is selling his personal conduct.
After thinking about it for a few minutes (perhaps I'll change my mind in a few hours) his personality is what he's selling and that comes with both
positives and negatives, additionally in his interview which lead to the suspension he was speaking of his own beliefs and not those of the company
marketing his show. In that case I'm against a suspension.