a reply to:
"Even though this was more of a spiritual experience rather than an NDE, very similar. I'm beginning to believe there's a very thin line between this
world and the next."
I believe that line is very thin, based on personal experience of afterdeath contact and communication with my daughter and on research concerning
NDEs, OBES, children's memories of past lives, and consciousness studies involving psychical abilities and communications. Young children are indeed
very open to, receptive to, contact from family members on the other side. I'm reading a book at the moment that I think you might find valuable,
described at this amazon link:
Here is part of the book description there:
"Changes of Mind unites literature from the new physics, brain research, developmental psychology, and mysticism to produce the first comprehensive
theory of individual human consciousness. Assuming a new paradigm reality, the author opens and extends the field of developmental psychology in ways
that structure, destructure, and then restructure the subjective experience of time, space, subject, and object.
Wade's theory concerns the development of consciousness per se--not merely its derivatives, such as cognition, social development, and affect--and its
neurological bases, something no other developmental theory has taken into account. Using data from a wide range of empirical studies and neurological
research, Wade shows that awareness considerably predates birth--probably even conception--and lasts after death, supporting the idea that the self
exists outside the boundaries of linear time and a physical body. This book represents a major leap forward in psychological theory and a
groundbreaking approach to human perception and being in the world."
I'm so happy that your little boy is well. All best to you and your family and your extended families (that's really all of us).