a reply to:
Personally I believe that we have to stop trying to be everything to everybody. I can type out pages of what I think the solution is, but it is of no
value to me, you or anyone else. First it will be only my idea, my opinion, which everyone, especially online has.
You are not going to find a solution online. The internet is nothing more than a pulpit for everyone that thinks they are smarter than, and righter
than, everyone else on the planet. The internet is the place they think they can prove this to a bunch of other strangers, that are no more interested
in what they have to say, than they have in actually listening to anyone else. The majority of people listening, are the people like you, that are
lurkers and readers.
IMHO the solution starts extremely small. You don't build a room onto you house by starting on the house of a stranger across the ocean. Start with
home and community. As your community grows it will be able to move outside of its local borders and merge with other communities and hopefully
eventually spread out to include our neighbors far and wide.
As long as your children and the children of your neighbors are hungry and naked, it doesn't make much sense to try to fix the problem miles away by
ignoring the problems in your own home and community.
I am speaking solely as an advocate of building community unity, strength, and growth so we will have the numbers and resources to continue to grow
and provide for greater numbers of peoples and further away. When you have a strong, productive and growing community, you have a much greater chance
of success.
This will likely be my last post in your thread, because I am busy trying to live the words I type, but I do get breaks. Also I have given up on any
threads that perpetuated racism and hatred of any peoples or groups of people, no matter how cleverly they think they have disguised their agenda.
Welcome and good luck with your thread. If you have been a lurker long enough, you already know that you have to have a thick skin to participate
here. Don't be side swiped the way I was. Sometimes thick skin is not enough. Sometimes you just have to leave the areas that are so toxic they start
to make you sick.