posted on Nov, 18 2015 @ 10:52 AM
There were so many "unexplained mysteries" I personally experienced in my lifetime that I thought it alright to go ahead and start this series off
at number 1001. I never documented everything odd that I could not understand before, this will be a first. Many of those unexplained mysteries are
very small occurrences, things that a lot of people would not notice. I got a good attention to detail about my senses so I tend to pick up on things
a little better than others.
Today it was 930am and I was writing in my journal outside in the sunny morning air. While I wrote I also had a few cigarettes. A total of three
cigarettes, actually. I tossed the butt of the first cigarette at my feet where some small and light leaves were. There was a breeze that was barely
felt on my cheeks, a breeze that couldn't stir the leaves or any other light debris that was lying about. At that area where I was sitting it was a
good ten plus feet to the sidewalk and to get to the sidewalk you would need to descend a few stairs. Except for that opening for the stairs, the
entire area is closed off with hip-high walls.
Before I lit my second cigarette I looked down and saw that my first cigarette butt was there and thought nothing special of it. I continued writing
in my journal to the end of that cigarette then went to extinguish the butt. I noticed that the first cigarette butt that I looked at only minutes ago
was gone. I looked around for it all the way to the sidewalk and the whole upper floor enclosure and it was gone.
Logic permits that if the wind blew hard enough to shift the cigarette butt it would've been inside the enclosure or between the foot of the stairs
and the tall grass beside the sidewalk. The wind didn't blow hard enough during my sitting there to stir any of the leaves. So, theory two would
suggest that maybe a bird took it, but again, I recall no bird landing near my feet and I would've definitely noticed it.
This disappearing mystery is a frequent one within the world of unexplainable things that I witness or experience. I'd seen people, animals and
objects disappear unexpectedly without logical explanation for how they traveled that long distance in a split second to escape me seeing them.
Feel free to add your own take on this mystery.