posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 12:55 PM
There have been a lot of strong emotions posted on ATS over the last few days and I thought it might be nice to mix it up with something positive I
have applied in my daily life. I realize I come across as a jerk sometimes and when I say jerk I am using the T&C friendly version of what most of
you probably would really say. That being said, I don't conduct my daily life or encounters with you humans the same way I do online (for the most
part). This doesn't mean I won't speak up or challenge people's views in my RL, but I do it with a sparkle in my eye and a mischievous smile so most
people know I am not doing it in a mean spirited way (which doesn't always translate online).
Okay, so I have acquired a few tools that I keep in my life-skills toolbox over the years and one of them that has always served me well is to ask a
very simple question internally for each new daily encounter...especially with new people. The question(s) are...what can I do for you? What can I
learn from you?
The question is part intent, part prayer and part an exercise in focus. I apply it to the random person I meet on my daily walks and to the girl in
the checkout line at Walgreens. The point is it takes these ordinary moments and 'spiritualizes' them and allows whatever force it is you believe in
(God, Spaghetti Monsters, The Force) and creates a perfect moment for something positive to happen.
An example is the other day I was walking and I saw a troubled woman approaching and she and I talked for a few moments. She mentioned her garage
door had broken and it wasn't in the budget for her to get a new one before the winter snows started. Because I had opened myself up to whatever
Spirit had in store for me I was able to give her a brand new garage door opener that I had sitting in my garage that I had no use for.
Another example is when you meet someone that simply has something to teach you about life. Sometimes our job is just be quiet and listen and learn
from what the other person is saying.
Anyway, I know things seem bleak sometimes and certainly the stress levels are high right now, but I think if you apply this little trick to your
daily life you will have amazing results. I believe it is karma and Spirit working hand in hand to create real moments between us humans, but you can
call it whatever you like. The point is it WILL improve your life.
So...what can I do for you? What can I learn from you? I eagerly await your response.
edit on 2015/11/16 by Metallicus because: Spelling Correction