originally posted by: HD3DSURROUNDSOUND
Every authority system has failed. Time for something new.
If every tool in your shed has not worked, from whence is this new tool?
History has proven that not only can real unconditional Love not be conceptualized or understood (knowledge = experience!)m it cannot be 'legislated'
from 'out there'!
The Bible couldn't do it with all its rules and laws and rituals!
Laws are for those with no Love, no 'ethics'! That is why necessary!
Mankind will evolve, but it will come from within, not be imposed by some lunatic claiming arcane knowledge and legislative ability!
It has never worked, your old tools of 'force'.
Love cannot be forced, it mist be 'allowed'! *__-
This will be the world in a couple of centuries!
We will have evolved from schizo-sapiens, into homo-illuminatus, Enlightened Man!
Enlightenment = unconditional Love!
“Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - Rumi
True, unconditional Love is ALWAYS recognized by It's unconditional Virtues; Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy, Gratitude, Humility, Charity (charity is
never taking more than your share of anything, ever!), Honesty, Happiness, Faith...
(Now you can tell the real thing from the 'cheap thrills' offered by the ego! *__- )
Love requires practice, like a fine violin!
Practice! Practice! Practice!
Who is unworthy of Love?!
"If it cannot be thought with Love,
it doesn't need to be thought!
Don't think it!
If it cannot be spoken with Love,
it doesn't need to be said!
Don't say it!
If it cannot be done with Love,
it doesn't need to be done!
Don't do it!
If the day cannot be Saved by Love,
the day isn't worth saving,
offer it up with Love!!"
Wage Love! Practice Compassion!
tat tvam asi (
Be the first on your block to Shine, let it spread!
Results guaranteed with sincere and regular practice!