posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 06:00 PM
Hello to all my fellow loft dwellers and flat-lifers! Has the NeoMetro got a sweet tweet for you this week!
We all know how much we love strutting around the apartment in a state of undress, right? Well, if you are anything like me, you also know the
importance of having reliable locks on your doors while still having those curtains that can be easily seen through from the next building!
Urban existence is just unsustainable without these most basic of necessities! Oh!
Well, the good news here is that you can have all of this and still afford your daily $9 cup of expresso, too. That’s because our good friends at
Loft Depot stores are now stocking the entire designer line of Hanjop’s up-town home hardware.
That’s right! Hanjop has a reputation for quality, cost and discretion, meaning you can get that titanium door security kit, the ultra-sheer
window drapes and the beanbag gun, all packaged in a plain brown wrapper for under $1800!
So, before you once again dance naked for your neighbors to the soulful tunes of Frizzy Kitty, be sure to visit your nearest Loft Depot and shout
obscenities at the clerk until they give you the Hanjop!
Oh, and before I forget, Groper Joe Imports has announced that they will be holding an open house the whole week of the 20th for anyone who is still
shopping for some new S&M and/or bondage goods!
But, that’s not all!
There will be a decadence disco nightly as well a live display of some of the new dungeon/torture items coming in from Russia, not to mention their
regular body carving and puncture services!!
So, until next time, scratch it, sniff it, and if you can’t lick it, just p*ss on it!