posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 02:03 PM
A few days ago MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry cautioned a guest on her show about applying the term "hard worker" to Paul Ryan. A fan of Mike
Rowe's posed the question on Facebook what he thought about that whole situation. I thought his response was interesting, and he did the best he
could to avoid being political about it. Agree with him or not, I think it's worth a read.
For the ATS thread on Harris-Perry's comments, click here -
For Rowe's comments, click here -
Apologies for the cluttered site with Rowe's comments. Best non-Facebook link I could find. Without delving too far into the political aspect (but I
know this is rooted in political leanings, at least for Harris-Perry), I found MHP's comments ignorant at best. To be fair, I find most of her
journalism to he ignorant because every time I've seen her she seems completely unprepared for whatever it is she's talking about. In any event, I
found her comments to be distasteful and I think Rowe does an excellent job of explaining why.
Not bad for a guy who sticks his arm up cows' asses.