posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 12:18 AM
When I was there in Iraq '03-'04, before insurgency became the primary obstacle, the biggest fear of MNF (US/Coalition Forces) was to pull out to
early before a established govt was in good standing, of course post war rules change with time and the MNF is committed to staying until Iraq is
established well enough.
With that said, US and MNF military will not pull back from Iraq until Iraq can function and hold its own and on its way to becoming a nation in
rebirth. That is when you will see vast numbers start to return home, however, we will have a presence in Iraq, not meaning a military
base/post(which I am sure will be in the works down the road) for years to come, like Bosnia and the current Kosovo/Afghanistan. Purpose will to
maintain stability within the region, in the event of another Kuwait invasion, so to say.
Now to the point, beforehand of the insurgency problem, there was a fear of Shi'ite and Sunni civil war, now with the insurgency problem, the
insurgency may try to spark civil war, although the Sunni and Shi'ite's are working together to rebuild Iraq, laying their differences down.
Given the fact that if the insurgency, knowing they can not quite defeat the MNF, Iraqi govt and it security forces (although they are getting hit
quite fequently, which is expected and more to come til 30 Jan), they could spark unrest internally, giving the MNF more than just one front to fight,
while they backdoor and try to establish themselves as a seperate and known entity, like the Taliban.
Please, throw your thoughts into this. Possibility is quite real if you think about it. And it could become more real after the elections, only
cause discontent in the region, trying to refocus efforts elsewhere.
[edit on 4/1/05 by mscbkc070904]