posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 03:10 PM
So I'm reading our local newspaper website, (Alaska Dispatch News) yesterday and I find a headline that about made me hit the floor. The
surprise wasn't the content, since July I've been reading accounts of a false flag operation prepared for NYC or Chicago, two cold-winter locations.
No, the surprise was that they were performing such an exercise waaaaay up here in Anchorage, Alaska.
The headline reads, "Federal bomb squad neutralizes fake nuke in Anchorage training exercise" and is found at:
That alone was enough to get my attention. The FBI apparently flew up the C-IEDS Specialist team from the states to practice finding and disarming a
nuke in a "Winter environment." This certainly explains the federal vehicles I've seen roaming around downtown over the last two weeks. The very same
vehicles that have been spotted in other towns around the country (see video below)
Creepy? Why, YES!
This week’s exercise didn’t include a simulated public-affairs component, covering the potential dissemination of details or evacuation orders in
connection with the incident. According to the FBI, a decision to release any information about an actual weapon of mass destruction in an urban area
-- an unprecedented situation in U.S. history -- would be made far beyond the Anchorage office.
Yeah, no #. Far beyond the Anchorage office alright. And very unprecedented for our sleepy little arctic town to be involved in such federal
This isn't the only exercise taking place either. The local police have been warning residents of several neighborhoods in downtown Anchorage to be
aware of explosions involving 2-2.5 lbs of heavy explosives.
edit on 5-11-2015 by DJTeej because: Videos did not work
edit on
5-11-2015 by DJTeej because: Video didn't work, URL cut off, this interface sucks.