posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 01:56 PM
Understanding now. This is a team effort site.
In the mind of team spirit , there is a realization that trolling is probably a constant on here. There was no intent from me..Please excuse my use
(singular-I) of saying "Hi I'm Hexeded.. Number 6.."while excluding from the hive-mind. No true intentions of being shallow; and I am used to non
theme UBB sites where people are playful in their introductions, and I failed to read rules while entering.. but it was not intent on my part to troll
your site.
Anyways I believe strongly; though many here may be not of the "Truthers" that has so crudely labeled people in a negative way which is a
fall-back on, the bubble minded people, who mock anyone who believes 9/11 had treasonous people at the top who, at best, withheld inside information
and kept it a secrete to make tons of money ..literally when it comes to a possible Gold heist from under buildings WTC 5-6.. to that of coi contract