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Angela Merkel Hates Germany - Grabs German flag in disgust

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posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: verschickter
a reply to: stevieray

What does it say about someone who would rather see their country burn, than admit a truth / reality that doesn't support their little political bent ? It says terrible, awful, pathetic.

Bull#. It´s pathetic from someone like you who is not living here to sell us locals a picture about our situation, while making fun out of the situation. You just sit behind your screen writing your sarcastic posts, while grown up people discuss the matter, you only paint everyone black and white. Telltale signs of a 14 year old.

Your behavior is terrible, awful and pathetic.

I'm 55 lol, and I'm watching your country implode while you angrily yell "nuh--uh, it is not !".

There is no explanation other than a covert islam-anarchy-nihilism-supporting desire to see the country burn. Or you actually are a real citizen, but can't stop denying things out of embarrassment, or a need to excuse the socialism failure of the EU.

It's one of the above. You can't make it "not true" by calling everybody "14".

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: zatara
a reply to: asen_y2k

I agree, with these super short clips you should always watch out in what context such moment are. People who want to stir up crowds use such tactics.

All people should look before they leap with such little information. The title of the OP want people who do not think a little ahead to leap into a hole.

I don't really know or even care if the clip of Merkel is what the OP describes. And it's true that video clips are misused for dishonest purposes every day, all day.

But this has nothing to do with the millions of infiltrators in europe, who CAN NOT be dealt with in any rational, safe way. So they'll fester until it blows up. And yep, they're rife with terrorists, anarchists, nihilists, etc. There is no rational way to sidestep this with the old "nuh-uh !!".

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 12:39 PM
Unfortnately have thinking about this a bit I do think there's muslimphobia or islamphobia or arabphobia or something going on. Germany has 80-some million people. Several hundred thousand immigrants is a serious issue for immigrations authorities and will require the government probably, but it's a small numbe compared to the total population. The reason they're letting so many in is because of the destabalization in Syria and, far as I know, that genera region. They're not doing it to destroy Germany. It's a multi-national EU attempt to ease problems in the ME and around there.

I found this: - “Destabilization of Africa and the Middle East Prompts Millions to Flee”: Mass Migration Deaths Caused by US Foreign Policy...

It's a liberal interpretation, mostly anti-american. The reality is a lot of this destabilization wasn't caused by the US but by civil wars and other problems (arab spring 2011) within the specified nations. Also even if some of it was caused by the US, the EU might have a hand in it too.

Regardless if the germany people, arabs included, don't like Merkel they will elect someone else. It'll eventually work itself out.

EDIT: Ok so I wnat to add the illegal immigrants in the US is about 12 million. This is about 3.7% of the population. A good number of them have fake papers and SS numbers, so they're actually working AND paying taxes and in fact "documented". Anyway, 500,000 immigratns in Germany is about 0.6% (less than 1%) of its total population. For it to be comparable with what the US deals with, it'd need to be over 3 million.

What I"m concerned with is brain drain. These countries experiencing unrest might be losing some of their smartest people. It's supposed to be a major problem in the developing countries: - Human capital flight...
edit on 11/8/2015 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: jonnywhite

Can only promise one thing - we'll be treated to an endless chorus of "nothing's wrong it's all lies !" until it blows.....then the chorus will change to "Bush did it !!".

That is the only guaranteed truth in all things europe, liberalism, and the internal / external America haters.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: jonnywhite

I'll give you a star, especially about the brain drain observation. I just finished listening to a CBC podcast interviewing a Syrian born priest. Was thinking about making a thread about it but I'll just post the link for now. At the end, he specifically talks about what you mention. It's a good interview and is worth the 45 minutes. It was done live so there's a Q&A at the end.
Just some quick notes on what he discusses:

Who's to blame
What life was like before the Arab Spring
Who's the players and why - (100's of groups like ISIS)
Q&A about Canada's new government and the 25,000 refugees coming in before 2016 (don't pick from the camps)
ISIS has it's own currency
Christian persecution

Reverend Nadim Nassar knows the reality on the ground. He is the only Syrian priest in the Church of England. He was born and raised in Latakia, Syria, which is now the site of a Russian military base.

Father Nassar served as a parish priest in London for more than a decade. He is a member of the United Kingdom's all-party parliamentary group on international religious freedom, and an adviser for the UK Home and Foreign Offices. yrian-priest-warns-his-country-s-christians-are-in-grave-danger-1.3307408

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: FlySolo

lol, how much "brain-drain" is possible from continents that already operate in the year 700 ?

Are they going to slip back to Year Zero ?

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 04:20 AM
a reply to: stevieray
It´s not one of the above.
Black and white again.

It´s interesting what you interpret into my words.
Easy before making assumptions please. I´m German, live in south Germany.
I´m not embarassed. I´m not making any excuses.
Nor did I speak out for any political system.
Nor did I wrote "nuh it´s not"

For the hundreth time now, I know all the negative effects first hand.
But you have no right to judge about our situation, when the only source for you is the media, the way you do.

So I will virtually be drowned in schadenfreude when your countries erupt in flames and madness. As I watch it on the TV, I'll look at various clowns running down the street pursued by raging muslims, and chuckle "probably one of those guys who called everybody a liar and stewwwpid".

Your attempts to put me into an ideological corner are pathetic.
edit on 9-11-2015 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 04:30 AM
a reply to: stevieray

I don't really know or even care if the clip of Merkel is what the OP describes.

Context, who cares?
So you activly choose to ignore the context/truth but rant on? Thats a shining example irrational behavior.

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 04:54 AM
Anti nationalism is the norm in Western countries. People are taught not to have pride in their country but to feel ashamed of the evil. You see it in all Western countries nationalism and pride in your country is the thing if the past. You see it here how quickly people are to say their country is evil. Sadly this is the agenda in the 21st century my guess is its to move things along to a one world government. To do so they need people to give up the idea of countries and see themselves as world cirizens
edit on 11/9/15 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: dragonridr

Hm. Methinks people should be careful what they wish for.

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 07:24 AM
People taking pride in things they had nothing to do with always amuses me. I don't expect people to be ashamed of things done by their countries, so taking pride just seems a bit one sided
edit on 9-11-2015 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: woodwardjnr
People taking pride in things they had nothing to do with always amuses me. I don't expect people to be ashamed of things done by their countries, so taking pride just seems a bit one sided

Some of us contribute to our countries, lol. By having jobs, paying taxes, volunteering, contributing positively to communities that we're part of. Raising families of good people who will do the same when we're gone. This makes us sort of proud of the thing that's bigger, more important than us, that we've contributed to.

Unlike a lot of folks here at ATS...................who amazingly enough always have the biggest, loudest opinions and pronouncements.

Look no further than military service. Some of us think we've done a good thing for our country. Angry little bugs can only think to scream "baby killers !" "fascists !!" "crusaders occupiers colonialists !!". Which 99.99999% of military people ever, have not even considered.

posted on Nov, 13 2015 @ 07:24 AM

originally posted by: FlySolo

A new video surfaced of Merkel grabbing the German flag out of the hands of a parliament member and hands it off stage. The camera gets a shot of the look on her face. Pure disgust. I don't want to go out on a limb here she a manchurian candidate? Has she been brain washed to eviscerate Germany from the inside or does she just hold the most contempt and disdain for her country? Suffering from colossal post ww2 guilt? Either way, she needs to be removed from office ASAP. And hung for treason. Harsh I know, but just look at what she's doing to Europe.

If there is just a 1% chance she hates her country and is sabotaging the future of Germany and all of Europe because of her opinion, she should be tried for treason. Has anyone ever seen such a despicable display and lack of respect from a leader of their own country? Never in my life.
Here's the clip followed by a video commentary.

Has she been brain washed to eviscerate Germany from the inside or does she just hold the most contempt and disdain for her country?

I'm sure Germans, who - unlike most of Europe - are actually experiencing economic growth - feel like Merkel is gutting them. I'm also certain she is a self-loathing woman who hates her country so much she would prefer to take part in its politics than simply live somewhere else.

Either way, she needs to be removed from office ASAP. And hung for treason. Harsh I know, but just look at what she's doing to Europe.

I agree with you completely on this one. That alte Fregatte has been spending German tax dollars on keeping foreigners from total economic collapse (not always successfully - sorry, Greece). In any case, under her leadership, Germany has played a huge role in preventing the total collapse of the Euro and disintegration of the EU. This sort of treachery MUST NOT go unpunished. Hanged for treason? I say OFF WITH HER HEAD!

Has anyone ever seen such a despicable display and lack of respect from a leader of their own country? Never in my life.

Indeed - President Obama bowing to foreign royalty. The United States bows to no country and the POTUS should bow in reverence to no man (or woman). Bowing to a king or other royalty indicates subservience. Then again, we are pretty subservient to Saudi oil, aren't we Americans?

posted on Nov, 13 2015 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: verschickter

For the hundreth time now, I know all the negative effects first hand.
But you have no right to judge about our situation, when the only source for you is the media, the way you do.

Pardon the interruption, but why doesn't he or anyone else have that right? Would it make a difference to you if the exact same words were coming from one of your fellow Germans? How many thousands of refugees is Germany accepting? Islam does not accept integration, except when to be used as a part of infiltration. So the question must be - are these Muslims hardcore believers or not? Just because Europeans are Christian pretty much in name only (over-generalization, I'm aware) doesn't mean your newfound compatriots are as wishy-washy about their Islamic faith.

But perhaps you mean to say "if we're screwed, it's not your problem, because you aren't here." If this is what you are trying to get at, I disagree with you. If the world's fourth largest economy were to crumble, I do believe it would effect far more than just Germany, don't you?

Anyhow, if it weren't for the Brits and Americans (and to a lesser extent, the French...I suppose), Germany would've been controlled by the Soviets after WW2. Before you say that was a long time ago and blah blah blah, tell me how are former Soviet nations doing right now? Heck, tell me all about the prosperity of former East Germany. I'd think if group A saved group B from being screwed royally by group C, then group A has earned the right to criticize and/or comment on group B.

BTW, the Germany is f*cked position is one taken by many Germans, so what sayest thou to them?

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: verschickter

The British Empire declared war on Germany, as far as I can recall.

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: Flonerd
So then the BE made up the most part of europe back then?
Not to speak of that europe is a continent.

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