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Angela Merkel Hates Germany - Grabs German flag in disgust

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posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

So, let me re-ask: why are you sure it's not from the USA?

The only thing I'm sure of these days is my own uncertainty.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: angeldoll

The only thing I'm sure of these days is my own uncertainty.

I hear you angeldoll


posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: MaxTamesSiva

Did SOMEONE even read my posting on page 2? This incident did have nothing to do with refugees!

Sometimes I lose hope with ATS, really. This thread is so far derailed from the OP, and so obviously with dedication (flag colours?...)... And ss soon someone posts something about the POTUS, the thread goes down even faster.

Sometimes I think it is just not even worth the time anymore.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 09:31 AM
To me Merkel is the Treaty of Versailles in a pant suit. Her ancestry is Polish, she speaks fluent Russian and studied Marxist -Leninism in addition to being secretary for Agitprop at the Academy of Sciences. I don't believe she has the best interests of the German people at heart. I believe she is another globalist plant positioned to take Germany one step too far in terms of immigration and begin the final solution to replace the German people through mass immigration.

Germany has been a threat to the other European powers for over 150 years. It was a long struggle for people who share a common language and culture before they could be united as a country. Since 1850 Germany has fought Austria, France, then France, England, Russia and the US in WW1 and repeating the same 2 decades later in WW2. A strong united Germany eclipses every other European Nation in economic output and I believe all the wars were fought with the intention of knocking Germany out of the international marketplace as an exporting power.

Her disregard for the flag was instinctive and reflex showing her true feelings about the country she is supposed to represent. She is a Trojan horse that will allow Germany to take in so many Muslim immigrants that in a mere 2 or 3 generations the native German people will be a minority in their own country. Not threatening as in putting people in camps but the effect will be the same; the death of Germany as a country and as a people.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: ManFromEurope

I read it and yes, I noticed, I might have been the only one

It also seems that historic facts are not so important anymore.
Like who started WW2 and who declared war on who and when.
But if you come up with it, you get a lazy answer.
edit on 6-11-2015 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: asen_y2k
Whats the context? That clip is a few seconds long. What happened before, what happened after, what are the 'on stage' rules of the rally?

I have heard quite a few speaches by her. Her pride in her nationality is quite apparant. Especially new year speeches to the German people.

You cant judge a person by a few second long clip and ask her to be hanged for treason.

If their are rules against having your country's flag on an obviously national event, than in and of itself is a problem.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: verschickter

Nah, I'm the other one on ATS who starred all his postings.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: ManFromEurope
I'm sorry, I didn't read your comment on page 2. The question was for the OP asking for a context. Thank you for reminding me to read all the comments before I post mine. My fault, but I'm not trying to derail this thread.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: asen_y2k

originally posted by: FlySolo
a reply to: asen_y2k

Yes, you have a point. Except when she previously stated how she felt about Germany and it's Islamisation when asked a question. It puts the flag thing in context.

Its again the same guy presenting the video. He seems to be talking more than the lady Chancellor. He seems to be interpreting all the segments of the speech the way he wants. I interpret her speach as a way to lessen the fear of the public and present a balancing point of view. She appears well informed and quite educated and non reactionary. She did not say anything anti German, infact she represented her people quite well.

What the guy said in the video is what merkel said.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: nonjudgementalist
Maybe it was the childish manner in which the man holding the flag had held it that made her not want to share a stage with it. It's also quite a small flag. Maybe she just realized small flags

Disgust is not the impression I received watching her in that clip. Disgust is when you throw it on the ground angrily, spit stamp shred and burn it. There was no disgust in her actions. More disapproval. And more directed at the situation than the flag itself.

Are you for real ???

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 04:25 PM
"I told you so."

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: TheInhumanCentipede

I love the folks who come on here and say "nothing's happening ! nothing's wrong ! it's all lies !"

They all appear to be from Germany and the other dead-man-walking countries.

So I will virtually be drowned in schadenfreude when your countries erupt in flames and madness.

As I watch it on the TV, I'll look at various clowns running down the street pursued by raging muslims, and chuckle "probably one of those guys who called everybody a liar and stewwwpid".

What does it say about someone who would rather see their country burn, than admit a truth / reality that doesn't support their little political bent ? It says terrible, awful, pathetic.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

She's like Hitler. But in reverse

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: PublicOpinion
I thought I clicked! I went back an saw it, yesterday, wtf?
Regardless I clicked again!

Edit: Had a bad feeling and went there again. Star is missing again. WTF? Gave it again (third time now!!!).
It appears to me, but when I reload the page it´s missing again?

Edit2: Can´t give any stars, seems to be a bug. Can you give stars?
edit on 7-11-2015 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: stevieray

What does it say about someone who would rather see their country burn, than admit a truth / reality that doesn't support their little political bent ? It says terrible, awful, pathetic.

Bull#. It´s pathetic from someone like you who is not living here to sell us locals a picture about our situation, while making fun out of the situation. You just sit behind your screen writing your sarcastic posts, while grown up people discuss the matter, you only paint everyone black and white. Telltale signs of a 14 year old.

Your behavior is terrible, awful and pathetic.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 02:58 PM
The guy she took the flag from looked like he was a little too deep into the schnapps. She took control of the situation like she should have. When she was done Schnappsie was still smiling and everything proceeded normally. Hey, she's a boss.

This might be a case of the misapplication of "American values" to other parts of the world. Many Americans don't know that people in other places are not "flag zombies". Yes we respect our flags but we keep them in perspective. The flag is not a religion in most places, unlike the US.
edit on 7-11-2015 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: FlySolo

It's because she is a Globalist, and was placed into power by the International Banking Cartel. She has no real oath to that country anymore than Obama does to America.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: asen_y2k

You cant judge a person by a few second long clip and ask her to be hanged for treason.

Yea it's OK to reprimand a colleague, on camera, in front of millions of his countrymen, by taking the German flag away like a mother to a child.

Looks like she is a control freak, and everyone is beneath her.
edit on 7-11-2015 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: asen_y2k

I agree, with these super short clips you should always watch out in what context such moment are. People who want to stir up crowds use such tactics.

All people should look before they leap with such little information. The title of the OP want people who do not think a little ahead to leap into a hole.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: zatara

Yes, it's probably Americans who are being so critical, because we don't 'get' the nuances. If Obama did that it would be all over the TV, and not in a good way. Apparently it's not that big a deal there, and you are the only ones who can determine that. So let us plead uninformed on this one.

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