posted on Nov, 3 2015 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to:
It is a learned behavior that, fortunately, can be unlearned.
I agree people can unlearn behaviors. I also think it's all mixed up with a little bit of an obsessive compulsive disorder that comes from fear
This is not me saying that people who suffer from OCD are bigots
I know a man that has a kind of obsessive fear of germs, and rodents, insects (especially mosquitoes) and immigrants. He cannot let any of those
subjects go. Not for a day - or an hour
Here's the interesting part..he has a lot of foreign friends. Some of them are from the same groups of people that he fears the most
It's not the individuals he hates. It's the idea of vulnerability and invasion I think
There's not enough antibacterial soap or a wall high enough that will ever make him feel safe or clean
edit on 11/3/2015 by Spiramirabilis
because: (no reason given)