posted on Jun, 25 2017 @ 09:57 PM
a reply to:
The bodies they found with the life jackets, they said that some of them showed impact damage and others had drown. It also said the people they
could recover had high CO2 levels in the blood.
i took that to mean that some people survived the impact and engine issues(obviously if they had life jackets on). i wonder how long they were in the
water, alive that is.
if i was on a flight and saw the jet dumping fuel i would certainly be alarmed, then the engine cowling and god knows what else flying thru the cabin
and then hitting the water at night...sounds awful.
terrorism or mechanical error the aircraft is still at the bottom. Sounds like at the time everything from UFO's to a crazy man with a taste for
explosives took them out of the sky.
can you imagine how hard that would be for a family