posted on Oct, 29 2015 @ 10:24 PM
Swedes are weird, they live in a cold climate for 10 months per year, they eat rotten fish, they dance around a penis on summer equinox.
They visit the graveyards and light millions of candles during the autumnal equinox, and they celebrate the Winter equinox the 24th!! Who
celebrates x-mas the 24th!!!
On the spring equinox the celebrate witches and dressed like them, who the hell dresses like a witch, you burn them!!!
And their parental leave geez, get a kid free vacation, funded by the state.. And their tolerance?? They just say, Welcome to Sweden!! And
they build cities for the immigrants, like huge structures, who builds Cities for immigrants??
And then they just disappear, the Swedes just like disappear, and you find them in the forest taking a s***in a outhouse, and runs around with an axe
screaming.. They look like cavemen, and when they get back to societies, they are all well dressed????
You want the us to live with them, we come from a warm country.. They are savages, we want good food, nice home, nice car.. And they just eat fish and
potatoes and run around in the forest, they are even naked in the winter!