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The stuff going down in India...

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posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
its kind of funny

i truely believe the tsuinami - earthquake was 100% natural causes

and its kinda weird
everyone acts like a few thousand Indians dying in a Tsunami is such a massive tragedy ; oh please lol

in a nation of over 1.4 BILLION folks, a few dozen thousand people croak over a tidal wave and everyone crys for weeks over it
give me a break

by comparison , MILLIONS of people die every year from Cancer, AIDS , negligance, ignorance, guns, car accidents

why dont you cry about them? Seriously?

is a few thousand people more important than Tens of MILLIONS of people who die every year by preventable diseases, car accidents, etc?

this is just as hypocritical as those whom cry over the Iraq war all day and night....

in Iraq war around 1200 or so americans died and anywhere from 20,000 to 50,000 iraqis died
and they cry all day and night "oh its such a massive tragedy!"

and in WW2 over 50 MILLION people DIED!!!

terrorists kill around 3000 americans in ONE incident and everyone freaks out like "OMG NO we will ALL DIE of terrorists !!!!"
and yet in america over 50,000 people die of Drunk Driving every YEAR!!!
thats 500,000 in 10 years!!!!
over 500,000 people die of lung cancer every year supposedly connected to smoking, thats 5 MILLION in 10 years!!!

even if terrorists used nuclear weapons in NYC and LA and Chicago
the death tolls would still be lower than the YEARLY DEATH TOLL FROM ALCOHAUL AND TOBACCO!!!!!!!!

what a stupid misguided media
its their fault in the end...

what about a War on Alcohaul?
what about a War on Cancer?
what about a War on AIDS?

ya RIGHT like a SMALL tsunami or a few rag tag band of guerilla terrorists is a "bigger threat" than the massive death tolls of MILLIONS every Year!!!

a TRUE tragedy is when a Tsunami 1000 feet high comes in
thats when Tens of MIllions will die....maybe even a hundred Million....
we are very lucky it was as small as it was....


I dont know who informed you but your full of it.

This tsunami has been the biggest tragedy in written history.

The official death count is now 155.000 and many have stop counting the bodies. experts say that about 400 to 500 thousand have died and millions and millions are homeless.thousands of children lost their parents etc.
And many more will die of decease and underfeeding.

You are talking about a few thousand dead and acting like this was a puny thing.You are either incredibly stupid or you are the most hartless s of a b.on this planet.

People like you make me sick to my stomich, selfish, narrowminded,stupid and hartless. You shure you not related to dubya?????

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 06:34 PM

I dont know who informed you but your full of it.

This tsunami has been the biggest tragedy in written history.

The official death count is now 155.000 and many have stop counting the bodies. experts say that about 400 to 500 thousand have died and millions and millions are homeless.thousands of children lost their parents etc.
And many more will die of decease and underfeeding.

You are talking about a few thousand dead and acting like this was a puny thing.You are either incredibly stupid or you are the most hartless s of a b.on this planet.

People like you make me sick to my stomich, selfish, narrowminded,stupid and hartless. You shure you not related to dubya?????

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 07:04 PM
Check out the web site

Then put in UFO into the search box.

I think that the likes of CNN, SKY NEWS etc. are too spooked to report on these facts but like Brazil, Belgium etc., India is at least honest with what's going on up there in the skies.

Oh, and I bet the US Government is pissed off with the fact that the Indian Scientists are reverse engineering Alien Technology!

Try reading the factual news reports on the web site and let me know what you think ............

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 07:24 PM
Muzzleflash: Check it out buddy; The _tragedy_ of this event is the idea of Sudden and unexpected death. It's when you are happy and looking at the ocean and there's your kid playing in the sand and two seconds later they are swept away. That hurts. There's no moment to say goodbye. They do not have even a moment to make peace with life.

The soldier who leaves for war has said his goodbyes. The cancer patient lives in a world where cancer exists and it is conceptualized early in life. Even the murder victim has a moment to comprehend the situation and perhaps to pray or compose themselves.

When you are reduced to nudity, coldness, hunger, you too will see beyond the numbers.


posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 09:08 PM
"You are talking about a few thousand dead and acting like this was a puny thing.You are either incredibly stupid or you are the most hartless s of a b.on this planet."

no that would be i motion my many experiences in this life so far i have realized people dont care for one another.people put on a front like they care and are devestated but deep down they dont really care.after awhile they forget about it so why bother acting like you cared in the first place.people are just brainwashed in that way i guess..

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