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Majority Of U.S. College Students Now Support "Regulating" Free Speech

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posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Which has a lot more to do with corporations that make up so many boards of colleges and universities than the "political correctness" of their student bodies.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: Kali74
a reply to: ketsuko

Which has a lot more to do with corporations that make up so many boards of colleges and universities than the "political correctness" of their student bodies.

I don't think so.

The students are good little soldiers for a progressive future. They are the ones who arrange SJW sit-ins and other nonsense when challenged with uncomfortable ideas.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Understand your obligations before your rights..

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 08:09 PM
I am a Democrat, but I do believe in free speech. I also happen to know that there are a lot of liberals out there who don't believe in free speech, and I have gone to school with and met a lot of them.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 08:22 PM
Who needs college when you can get an education?

Not sure I buy this, but there's definitely too many dense minds going after that corporate approved, certified piece of paper.
edit on 25-10-2015 by pl3bscheese because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 08:34 PM
How do you 'regulate' free speech? This is a horrible philosophy to embrace.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: Kali74
a reply to: ketsuko

Which has a lot more to do with corporations that make up so many boards of colleges and universities than the "political correctness" of their student bodies.

I don't think so.

The students are good little soldiers for a progressive future. They are the ones who arrange SJW sit-ins and other nonsense when challenged with uncomfortable ideas.

If it helps you sleep better...

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

When did those free speech zones start?

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 10:05 PM
Haha this survey is a joke. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing was fabricated to serve as "Peer Pressure" for an upcoming vote.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
How do you 'regulate' free speech? This is a horrible philosophy to embrace.

It's more or less implemented in colleges. You may not make negative statements about anyone, any ethnic group, any nationality or regional group. Mentioning of stereotypes except your own is forbidden. It would be politically incorrect to say that French were onion wearing cheese-eaters, but it would be OK to say Scotsmen live in draughty castles, eat porridges and wear kilts, while playing the bagpipes every day.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 10:36 PM
The colleges aren't filled with serious people anymore, the cheap ones are filled with stupid people that don't use punctuation and aren't required to. They don't learn much beyond soup label knowledge and as said above "how we are all behaving so no retard gets mad or people shun us"
That's kind of how you know.
It doesn't matter bevause there aren't going to be jobs and the "degree" is worthless to serious people especially now that robots will fill cup dispensers at mcdonalds.
How "college" do you have to be to look at that and know it's total tard sitting and yet another way for people who aren't really educable to get paid. Like the visible military has become. A glorified daycare for obys voters....again with full benefits

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 12:17 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Thanks for sharing this. I and many people have known that our rouge government is moving towards full strength facism. The great joining of corporate & business with the government is a clear indicator. A second is the very recent announcements of the Feds creating more agencies to go after "domestic terrorists." Which we all know means constitutionalists and "extreme" right wingers. But about this article, everyone should consider how much bad science is out there. They say they polled 800 students from various schools. What schools? All freshman or what? Any of the students international or foreign born? What races and economic backgrounds did the students have? I would like to see the methods, materials (questionares,etc) and the list of schools. Because I bet it would reveal a hidden agenda or bias. Even though civil servants and agencies are going extreme left, I still see and hear much resistance from the people.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: infolurker

800 sounds like a huge number, but then you have to remember that only a minority of people wish to be polled at any one time.
Add in the fact that college kids have always been naive, brainwashed and unable to form their opinion, I'd say this is fear mongering.

"these guys are thinking like this, therefore, so must everyone else!one!""

Negative. There are plenty more colleges out there that do support free speech and also have different student populations.
If this was a survey of 800,000 then i might be worried.

As it is, most people just want to be left alone and not have to deal with being politically correct/incorrect. When enough people stand up and refuse to go with the party line, the real agenda behind this anti free speech movement will get revealed.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: raikoh
I and many people have known that our rouge government is moving towards full strength facism The great joining of corporate & business with the government is a clear indicator

This is correct, but unlike what most people believe, its not about broad political positions such as being "progressive", "conservative, "liberal" or "traditionalist"

Both Neo-Fuedalism and Fascism thrives and has found a permanent home in the United States. Unlike other countries, the American K-12 education system is so narrow in scope, that these people, upon entering college, cannot recognize that they are indeed Fascists sympathizers. Why? Because the education these persons received, over their lifetime, taught them virtually nothing about what Fascism, Feudalism and the Mercantilist economy really are and therefore these people are HIGHLY susceptible to messages promoting Fascist policies.

The United States is a former “slave owning nation” that fought “tooth and nail” to maintain the legal right to own slaves. Even worse, U.S. business owners turned their indentured servants, whom by contract, were set to be released in 7 years, into indefinite slaves through legal loopholes AND it was all done with the state, local and federal governments turning a blind-eye to the practice. Yet after all that, the USA still has a form of indentured servitude, via the H-1B visa program we see today.

So, I ask, AGAIN, can we REALLY expect responsible business leadership and INFORMED opinions about labor relations from a nation that was formed on these values?

Too many Americans have FULLY bought into an illusion that says “one day, you too, can be a slave owner”. Due to this false belief, sadly, most folks in USA are too far gone and there is no going back for them. This nation is filled with people whom are nothing more than mouthpieces and apologists for Robber Barron’s, who’s contemporary beliefs and actions are similar to the Italian Fascist of 1922-1943. But due to poor education and little experience with international travel, Americans can not see the historical similarities between the USA with the rise and fall of Fascism during the period of 1922-1945

I'd also argue that people whom both work for and run companies in Silicon Valley are likely the most susceptible professional group in America to sympathize with Fascism. Look at the many similarities in how Silicon Valley Companies are run when compared to the German Government of 1933-1945 and in contrast how very little they have in common with American companies run during the period of 1950-1980. Make NO MISTAKE, these young folks in Silicon Valley, whom falsely believe they are "masters of the universe" and "in charge of their destiny" are most certainly “Neo-Brown Shirts” or at the very least prone to becoming one, IF, the RIGHT opportunity arises

For example, both Jeff Bezos and Steve Jobs, before him, appear to practice Führerprinzip. Hitler actively encouraged office politics, as most Silicon Valley leaders do. Why? Because who can oppose insane leadership when EVERYONE under that system are CONSTANTLY trying to throw each other under the bus?

In the United States there is this crazy paradox that exists, where Fascists roam everywhere, but none “think” they are Fascist.

People speaking out against Unionization and/or improved labor protections, MUST be RECOGNIZED NOW and IDENTIFIED IMMEDIATELY, as a modern day "Squadristi" (Italian Fascist squads that would participate in strikebreaking, organizing tax strikes in socialist controlled towns and intimidating voters at election time). Make no mistake, these modern-day "Squadrismo" are the enemy to ALL people whom oppose the tenants Fascism, Mercantilism and Feudalism. These people CAN NOT be saved or reasoned with and to do any less than AGGRESSIVELY FIGHTING THEM, puts those whom oppose their kind in grave danger. These kinds of people cannot and should not be given the benefit of the doubt, at this stage, because they are VERY MUCH like those Dutch, whom “traded slaves”, but claimed they also “did not own slaves”.

Large portions of the USA populace cannot and are unwilling to be swayed at this juncture because they prefer “having the legal option to form dynasties” based on inherited wealth and the legally ability to incrementally claim economic power over others, even though NONE of them will EVER acquire enough wealth to take advantage of such legal situations. So, lets stop lying to ourselves, this Fascist mindset spread among the U.S. culture, as a whole, is too deeply embedded in their psyche and is NEVER going away, EVER! Adopting sustainable economics polices and business strategies is, quite simply, impossible for the U.S. culture and its entrenched business climate. Whats even worse, is that the above sentiment doesn’t even begin to address the U.S. populations inability to work together and cooperate to ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING!

Also note, "Sympathizers" are not always fully committed Fascists because they will shift positions aligning with the dominant culture around them, as needed, to personally get ahead. Most of these types only become Real Fascists, IF, they have a chance to gain power, by fully committing (a well known historical example of this is the Jüdischer Ordnungsdienst). Sympathizers will typically wait, a long time, until of course, something better comes along that justifies fully committing to Fascism

Socialism is only “dead” in America, while on the other hand, Germany, which has a GDP that is 5 times SMALLER than the USA, exports nearly the same amount as the USA, $1.46 trillion versus 1.56 trillion? Yet, somehow that “socialist” country, with unions and work-councils, manages to make just as much money from exports as the USA, despite having to rebuild from scratch, after first owing $33 billion in reparation debt after WWI and then beeing bombed into oblivion again during WWII.

So ask me, who’s economic system is not working?

The USA, AS A WHOLE, has more qualities aligning with Neo-Mercantilism, Neo-Feudalism and Fascism, than it does socialism or social democracy, as practiced in Europe. The reality is that USA has far more in common with countries like China or India, when it comes to business practices, as opposed to say countries like Germany or Switzerland. Hence, my statement, that the USA is now nothing more than a 2nd world country today. In addition, contemporary economist Parag Khanna, has redefined what "Second World" means in the current global economy and the term "2nd World" IS NOT limited to former Soviet Bloc Countries any longer.

Germans don’t think America stands for freedom anymore

Germans dislike American corporations

With all the above in mind, the overall FACT is, that the USA is now nothing more than a 2nd world, fascist stronghold. In the U.S. those that disagree with the vocal “pro business majority”, have few choices these days. GIVE NO QUARTER to these "sympathizers" because they are like those Germans whom "informed the SS" on perceived wrongdoings being done, by their unsuspecting neighbors. Those "informant sheep" sent their fellow human beings to their death and then slept well at night, somehow believing they were "Good Germans"

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: infolurker

You think indoctrination stops at high school? that's funny. You know how many professors I've had that used their class as a soap box to spew opinionated BS that has nothing to do with the subject. I had to pay for those crap classes.

Don't even get me started on tuition rates going up because of sports programs

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: ketsuko

When did those free speech zones start?
They were created to attempt to balance the protests of the '60s and '70s against the needs of the campus to maintain its day to day operation. For those familiar with those protests, they could become violent and very disruptive to other students and faculty causing students to be arrested and forcibly removed in several instances, causing the Kent State massacre in another.

Free speech zones were an attempt to balance the rights of protest against the rights of others to continue to go about their day and learn.

However, in more recent times, the zones have been used to muzzle students and attempt to throttle speech. One student was prohibited from passing out copies of the COTUS on Constitution Day because he had not reserved the tiny Free Speech Zone for that day, and a student group was barred from gathering signatures because they did not do so from a Free Speech Zone that was too small to contain all of them.

In at least one instance, a court ruled that gathering signatures among others students did not constitute a disruptive activity that would necessitate confining them to a Free Speech Zone.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: boohoo

You should definitely be looking into the neo-reactionary movement then. It is definitely fascist, monarchist even. One of the key people instrumental in spreading these type of ideas is called Goldbug and he's a CEO in Silicon Valley I think.

They want to run the government like a corporation. There's some interesting ideas on the alternative right but as a movement it is extremely ripe for exploitation.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: infolurker

I don't agree entirely with their premise but with the exception of the third, fifth, and seventh which are very binary things all of the remaining amendments exist on a sliding scale, in most cases you should have those rights but there are limitations on them. Also note that I believe that in hindsight the Anti-Federalists were correct, so I'm not the greatest fan of the Bill of Rights as it is. These days it serves as a document to justify a lot of things that the government shouldn't be allowed to do, but are because "we don't have that right".

Now, into the amendments.
Free Speech should not allow me to publish the phone number, home address, and address of the family members of someone who is very unpopular at the moment, alongside a message like "do what you will with this information".

Free Religion should also not be absolute. People are free to believe whatever they want, but beliefs should not be used to justify actions that would otherwise be illegal. A Christian cannot own a slave because it's in the Bible and a Muslim cannot chop off a thiefs hand in vigilante justice. There should be limitations on practicing your religion.

Protests are great, but the protest strategy of being a public nuisance is not. Ordinary people should not be late to work, or be stuck in traffic missing time at home with their family because you feel like blocking the highway off to advocate for an endangered turtle. Free speech zones take things a little too far, but I'm definitely in favor of approved protesting areas and permits.

Now for the second which I imagine will get the most comments. I'm starting at the premise that individuals do not have the right to nuclear weapons. From there we can walk it back until we get to what people can have.

In the case of the Fourth there are instances where time is an issue and waiting for proper authorization can't happen. These situations should be the exceptions (drugs being flushed down a toilet, someone in danger screaming help, etc) but they do exist.

In the case of #6, while I don't support wrongful imprisonment, sometimes a trial just happens at an inconvenient time and it's best to put it on the back burner for a few months to let emotions cool down. Depending on the circumstances and risk that can mean the person in question is free for that time or they spend it in a holding cell. Trials should be determined by facts and logic, and shortly after an event emotions can run too high to give that person a fair trial. See the Zimmerman case for example (which he was found Not Guilty of in the end).

In the case of #8, sometimes a person just needs to be kept out of society. Mark David Chapman is one of these people, and that's why his parole case will always be denied.

posted on Oct, 27 2015 @ 12:42 AM

originally posted by: hknudzkknexnt
a reply to: infolurker

we will be so #ed if we keep heading in this direction

good thing we have people scouting for detours

The scary part is, this tidbit is no longer un-imaginable. How sad has it become when violently assaulting someone for something so trivial is not outside the realm of rational possibility?

posted on Oct, 27 2015 @ 04:35 AM

originally posted by: infolurker
The propaganda is succeeding. A majority of our indoctrinated educated idiots on US campuses now believe we need "regulated Speech codes" and a a third of these brain-children polled could not identify the First Amendment as the part of the Constitution that dealt with free speech! Probably out of that same gene pool, 30% of self-identified liberal students believe the first amendment is outdated (if they even know what it is).

While the public's attention has been largely focused on the Obama administration's crusade against the Second Amendment, a more troubling development is taking place in the fight against free speech, and the First Amendment, a war waged far from D.C., on the campuses of America's liberal colleges.

We read the following excerpt from the upcoming issue of the New Criterian, in which we find that 51% - or a majority - of college students favor "speech codes" (i.e., regulated "free speech"), with only 36% against, first with amusement (as we thought it has to be a joke) and then great concern (once we realized it is all too real) because it reveals that America's best and brightest young minds have decided on their own that they don't really need all those liberties enshrined by America's founding fathers, especially if they "infringe" upon the current mania of "politically correct" everything.

One-third of the students polled could not identify the First Amendment as the part of the Constitution that dealt with free speech. Thirty-five percent said that the First Amendment does not protect “hate speech,” while 30 percent of self-identified liberal students say the First Amendment is outdated.

And when brainwashing wins over the minds of the young generation, whether due to relentless propaganda, due to constant Apple Store "99 cent" diversions, due to a generational case of Stockholm Syndrome, or simply because said "brightest" minds were never that bright to begin with (the WEF ranked the U.S. at 52nd among 139 nations in the quality of its university math and science instruction) brainwashing wins, period.

Because if a majority of young U.S. intelligentsia freely hands over its one, most valuable civil liberty, then the nation has far greater concerns for its future than just how overvalued the so-called "market" is.

it just shows how good The Powers That Should Not Be and some bright and clever people with an agenda are at selling and influencing people to achieve an objective.

They are probably the same people who came up with the qaint little question which can only be answered with one desired answer:

"if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear do you?'

Notice they dont bother saything this any more because they dont need to as they have gone beyond having to use this little trick.

( Those who said that always knew damm well that you you would be the last person who is going to decide whether or not you have done anything wrong. The first person will be someone sitting in front of a computer somewhere, anywhere in the wrorld. The second person will be the in-your-face cop in a cop shop.)
edit on 27-10-2015 by Azureblue because: z

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