Millennial's and the generation after them falsely believe tech will save and unite them, when in reality it was designed by "corporate committee" to
do just the opposite. The only way to prevent that shift, is for Millennial's to immediately STOP buying such tech, opposing the development of said
tech and discouraging others from buying and using it, even if it means using physical force. But, they will NEVER do this because they have drank the
cool-aid and are to a certain extent addicted to technology. Think about it, I'm seeing commercials for ordering pizza on a smartphone app, but whats
the point, really? To appease Millennial's? Perhaps. But, did this cohort take the time to think about whether it is really more convenient to type
an order in on an app, as opposed to calling the order in on a phone? No they didn't AND by using the smartphone app to place a FOOD ORDER instead of
a phone, the pizza seller can then become a data broker making money selling customer info.
Then there is the issue of "data simulations" being done on citizens by corporations and government for revenue projections. I can guarantee that
some people will not be able to be"simulated", due to high levels of inaccuracy in the data that is collected on them. Some simple examples would be
homeless people, old people that don't use credit or the internet, and low wage earners functioning on cash, whom use cell phones on a relatives
account that their name is not on (I have a brother-in that does all of the above and couch surfs, there's no way a simulation would know anything
about him because he has virtually no digital footprint).
Th rub is when these "simulations" becomes a real part of business revenue projections, directly influencing tax revenue projections and collection
methods. These people that "cannot be simulated" will be labeled criminals and put on some kind of supervised probation and forced to adapt habits
that can be tracked digitally. I can GUARANTEE this will happen. As I stated above, Millennial's are likely the easiest to simulate because they have
already given away the keys to the castle and have no intention of taking those keys back.
Young people are forgetting that this tech can be used VERY effectively to further their indentured servitude.
How is that possible, you may ask?
Remember when cell phones were actually fun?
I do, the phone was a huge and needed to be carried in a bag, BUT my boss NEVER called me on it, after typical work hours and certainly never called
to ask me to do more work while I was at home. Compare that to today, when a cell phone in your pocket can spontaneously generate more work to be done
outside of the office, simply because someone higher up than you had a random thought.
Now how does this scenario play into life-extension tech, mind-clones, AI and the Singularity?
Right now most Americans are expected to and are coerced by employment requirements to buy/finance a car, buy/finance education, buy/finance
healthcare, buy/finance insurance and eventually buy/finance a home of some kind.
What do you think the "Owners of Capital" will do when life-extension tech becomes a commercial product?
They will simply coerce people to buy it, even if the recipient doesn't want to have the procedure done and the methods used to coerce the general
populace in the United States, will not require any additional lobbying or law changes on the behalf of the "Owners of Capital".
Imagine a world where life-extension tech is sold and financed to regular people, over long repayment periods, to people that don't have the ability
to pay for it, in cash, up front, similar to a cars, higher education or home mortgages.
Want to opt-out? Sure you have the "choice" to do anything you want. We are a "free country" after all.
Imagine the unfolding of the following fictional scenarios, resulting from a person "choosing" to NOT have the life-extension procedure:
Do you want health insurance? Sorry, but we don't insure people whom have not had the life-extension procedure. However, there is another provider
that we can refer you to that will, but that company has both a high deductible and high premium, so as to reduce the coverage risk of your shorter
life span, to the provider.
Want to get a job? Sorry, but we don't hire people whom have not had the life-extension procedure, they cost more to insure and are uninsurable in
some cases. We don't consider this discrimination, however, because its no different than requiring you to have a car or a driver license for
employment with our firm. Especially with the Supreme Court declaring that those refusing the life-extension procedure are not considered disabled,
nor are a protected class.
Do you need a credit card or a business loan? Sorry, but we have to charge you a higher interest rate because our actuaries have found that people
whom have not had the life-extension procedure are a higher risk, have higher unemployment rates and have lower profit margins, due to a shorter life
Do you need a bank account or cell/internet/communication service plan? Sorry, but we don't open accounts to people whom have not had the
life-extension procedure, they cost significantly more to service, due to not being plugged directly into the system.
Note this strategy will not be limited to mandatory " life-extension tech". Just replace the word "life-extension procedure", in my above example,
with the word "self-driving car", "robot home worker", "networked appliances" or "cyborg implant" and the result is the same for the regular
Also don't forget the possibility that regular folks could become the "body farm" for rich people needing "head transplants", with our filed away DNA
profiles telling them EXACTLY whom will be the "best match" at any given time. This DNA will also tell the "Owners of capital" whom will be the most
healthy donors, with the least inherited health problems. Also don't think the courts will be providing any "due process" if "head transplants"
becomes a real thing.
For example, lets say that someone like Mark Zuckerberg needs a head transplant in 2055, when this tech has fully matured, with corporations and
government having the DNA of every citizen on file and YOU happen to be the best DNA match for Mark's head. Do you believe they will "ask your
permission" to donate your body, for HIS need?
Of course they won't, they will jail you on trumped up charges and will have laws in the future that will eliminate your right to deny such uses of
your body. You will be turned into a ward of the state, at their discretion, to use as they please. Mark Zuckerberg's life value to the state and
corporate America is worth FAR, FAR, more than any of us.
"Private Cities" owned by corporations, exempt for labor and civil laws, will also be created in this phase. This will be done to lower human labor
costs before the Singularity, Mind-clone and AI tech fully take over, rendering regular people to indenture servant status. Want to get a job in a
"Private City"? Sorry, but we don't hire people whom have not had the life-extension procedure and/or do not have an AI car or home worker. In a
"Private City" the "Owners of Capital" can make ANY RULES THEY WANT, without "due process" or pesky "labor laws" getting in the way.
In the next post I will describe what will happen when the Singularity, Mind-Clone and AI tech fully matures and integrates into our
edit on 23-10-2015 by boohoo because: (no reason given)