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Ufo crashes throughout history

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posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: Dripper

They never really clean up every trace.

There is nothing more secret than unacknowledged special access programs (SAPs, also known as "black" projects). Only personnel with a need-to-know are briefed in. In UFOlogy, conventional wisdom dictates that the crash of an extraterrestrial craft would be treated similarly to an unacknowledged SAP. Additionally, there is no more unambiguous directive than, "Clean up every trace." That order has been given for many SAP crash-retrievals (A-12, F-117A, D-21B, etc.), and presumably would also apply to a UFO crash.

Why is this important? Simply put, we can study historical government crash retrievals of stealth aircraft and spy planes and compare them to UFO crash retrieval stories. Interestingly, many UFO crash retrieval stories have a lot of elements in common with stories of “black” project crash recoveries:

1. The vehicle/object crashed on public or private land in relatively close proximity to a population center (city, town or rural community).

2. Civilian witnesses either saw the object crash or came across wreckage at the impact site.

3. Government/military personnel secured the crash site and kept unauthorized personnel away for as long as necessary to retrieve the debris.

4. Civilian witnesses were warned not to speak of what they saw. Unauthorized photos/film were confiscated.

5. Because of the Top Secret nature of the debris, recovery crews were ordered to give clean-up top priority.

Crash events involving SAP vehicles from Area 51 and other classified facilities share these characteristics in every detail. Yet identifiable debris still remains at these sites despite the government having had complete control of the scene and virtually limitless resources to effect the cleanup.

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: brace22
a reply to: DJW001

Wow! I live about 20 minutes from Tilbury and had never heard that story. I may have to go look at the door one day!

I presume we are talking about Tilbury in Essex. I too live about 15 mins drive away from Tilbury. Judging by some of creatures that walk around Tilbury I wouldn't be surprised if a UFO did crash there and the occupants survived and stayed there haha may have to take a trip to check this church out

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 07:43 PM

originally posted by: Iamnotadoctor

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
MUFON went to Aurora Texas and tried to obtain permission to exhume the grave and examine the remains. but were refused. Then they went back the next day and the grave was freshly dug up and everything covered over and the headstone missing.
Military/CIA got there first and removed the evidence. All of it. But they found one lady still alive when this happened, and she said it was the talk of the town for a long time, and they all knew it was a creature not from here.

Wasn't that on a "UFO Files" episode though? Lol.
I mean please...

MUFON is the leading world wide UFO investigation organization, and just because they featured the Aurora crash on an episode doesn't mean anything was faked or embellished.
They encountered official military resistance when investigating that case, and that shines a very bright light on this case being a genuine UFO related cover up.
There was no research in the late 1800's to manufacture anything like that so it wasn't some black budget project, and besides that, all the towns people who attended the creature's funeral, knew what it was. The headstone confirmed this, and that headstone was also confiscated by the military after MUFON began snooping around....

posted on Oct, 18 2015 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: ThePeaceMaker

Hahahaha!!! Too funny

Yeah I want to see this church!

posted on Oct, 18 2015 @ 07:27 AM

originally posted by: brace22
a reply to: ThePeaceMaker

Hahahaha!!! Too funny

Yeah I want to see this church!

I'm sure there's lovely people in tilbury really can't be as bad as down the road where I am in Pitsea

When I get a day off I might investigate get a few pics if possible

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: mirageman

However despite these stories they all amount to almost nothing in terms of hard evidence. Where is even the tiniest piece of memory metal from Roswell? No photo of the debris field has ever surfaced and the alien stories didn't begin until the 1980s. There is a paper trail (although incomplete) in the cases of Kecksburg

Certainly the most frustrating part of many cases, why is it we cant find the tiniest shred of memory metal? There are numerous witnesses saying it existed, whether it was mogul, ufo, or some other top secret project. No doubt lost with all the files the NSA also had.

The evidence for something crashing and being hauled out of Kecksburg imo is overwhelming, perhaps just a downed satellite, but like so many other ufo stories, we will just never know for sure.

But I agree, not the two best cases to convince anyone of UFOs. Will be interesting to see how you come away from Westall or Eupen(Belgian wave) case when you get around to them

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: 111DPKING111

The so-called "Roswell Incident" is the single greatest distraction ever to serious UFO research. It was essentially a non-event that ran its course over several days and should have faded away, a mere footnote to UFOlogy. I recommend reading two extremely scholarly Roswell research reports, both written by hardcore believers (NOT skeptics!):

The Roswell UFO Crash: What They Don't Want You To Know
by Kal K. Korff (Prometheus Books, 1997)

Roswell: Inconvenient Facts and the Will to Believe
by Karl T. Pflock (Prometheus Books, 2001)

Much of the information is summarized here:

Kecksburg is another dead end. The initial excitement began with a very bright meteor that was well documented by astronomers and others at the time. Some children in Kecksburg reported that they saw the object fall into nearby woods (thought in reality it was probably many miles away). Citizens and local law enforcement began a search. News media made jokes about "little green men" and several Air Force airmen arrived from the nearest military facility. By dawn they had found nothing, and the "incident" was over. As with Roswell, this tale grew in the telling and ultimately became an urban legend.

For more:

Again, the most serious flaw in all of these UFO crash retrieval stories is the lack of physical evidence of a crash. See my previous posts in this thread.

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: 111DPKING111

The evidence for something crashing and being hauled out of Kecksburg imo is overwhelming, perhaps just a downed satellite, but like so many other ufo stories, we will just never know for sure.

But I agree, not the two best cases to convince anyone of UFOs. Will be interesting to see how you come away from Westall or Eupen(Belgian wave) case when you get around to them

Yes something happened at Kecksburg as it did at Roswell. The question is what? For a quarter of a century it was thought to be a meteor. Stan Gordon has peddled the 'mysterious' object with a definite ET slant for decades now. I did hear a theory recently that it was actually the MK2?? re-entry vehicle containing a satellite with a nuclear power source (and possibly the potential to knock out enemy satellites). Which may explain the activity and the secrecy. Of course there are also a number of Kecksburg folk who state nothing much happened at all.

As for Westall and the Belgian Wave. Both interesting cases and I have them scheduled in for possible posts in 2016.
(Actually there is no schedule but you never know ).

posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: Shadowhawk

As I said in my previous post, not the best cases, i really doubt there is much to kecksburg and unsure about Roswell.

However, at least Roswell has many witnesses actually touching and holding the memory metal, how many other cases can you say the same for? Clinton asked the case be reopened and we get crash test dummies for the explanation(which no one believes on either side)? Why didnt we get the truth? Unlike many cases where the govt just blanket denies everything, here we have them saying exactly what it was, so why dont we have samples of memory metal in hand?

I am always interested in hearing what cases others think are the best, which do you think others should be looking at?

Some of my favorites..
Levelland 57 - Several motorist encounter a glowing sphere that stops their motor, police try to locate the object and also see it.
Westall 66 (start in at 9:47, picture at 11:00). Daylight sighting of a drone like craft levitates up on a school campus.
Ravenna 66 - Several police chase ufo through 2 states
Minot AFB B-52 incident 68 - radar confirmation case
Belgium 89,90 - (start in at 2:20min) start of the ufo wave

posted on Oct, 21 2015 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: 111DPKING111

The credibility (or at least memory) of many Roswell "witnesses" has been called into question:

The most credible descriptions of debris from the original incident are those of balsa wood sticks and tinfoil, which most closely matches photos of the debris in Ramey's office.

The story about the dummies (from balloon drops, not crash tests) was offered to explain some of the extraneous tales that have been appended to the Roswell Incident. There was only one event described at the time, in July 1947, which took place at Foster Ranch and involved a debris field that was subsequently identified as rawin target material from some sort of balloon device. The "alien autopsies" and Plains of San Agustin stories cropped up much later and were, at best, probably a conflation of memories from other times and events. Someone could easily have seen test dummies in 1953 and misremembered them as "strange looking bodies" seen in 1947. I could do a dissertation on the malleability of memory.

Most important, for any UFO crash retrieval story is the issue of physical evidence. Unless a crash site has been paved over (and sometimes even when it has), there is always something left. This news should come as a great comfort to anyone who believes that even one UFO crash story is true because it means the proof is right there at the scene waiting to new picked up. Unfortunately, I have yet to see such proof.

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