posted on Oct, 14 2015 @ 08:44 PM
the guy has a 'foundation' to bankroll & draw clients & info. seekers to
he is certainly low-key passionate about his forecast
I see flaws all over the place...
he has the S American land heading East & the N American lands heading west
at the 'breaking point' we know as Panama...the land mass movement will NOT be tectonic plate shifting but merely the surface dirt & land sliding over
the bedrock layer which is directly above his 'Lava' layer of Earth geology
in amplification, the video states the 'slide of landmass' could happen as early as 2016 -> 2026 at the latest
Watch the board, listen to his forecasted trends which are asserted as-not-being-scientifically-based, but merely his 'opinions'...a frequent
disclaimer made several times in the 7 minute video (of mostly his backside)
My rating 2.46 out of 10... I guess that high because he looked like a composed man in a frumpy, dirty suit