posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 07:46 PM
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Satan does what he can to deceive. The popular conception of Satan as an ugly monster is a bit of a misnomer. You get closer when you listen to the
Rolling Stones song or better yet the places in scripture that remind us he can appear even as an angel of light.
There is an event in Islamic tradition where Muhammad and his followers were under intense persecution and he made a compromise with polytheistic
believers to lift that persecution. Later, he retracted that revelation that had led him to that compromise claiming he had been led astray by Satan
impersonating the angel who had given Mohammad all his revelations from Allah to that point.
So, even if you discount the Satanic Verses incident, and many Muslim scholars will, the story itself is still useful in illustrating how deceptive
Satan can be. He can even impersonate Gabriel if he wishes. That is far from an ugly or evil creature but one that would be beautiful and full of
glory and awe-inspiring.
This might be why even the very elect will be deceived if it were possible when the Beast puts in his appearance in the last days.
So the idea that Satan could fabricate a Marian apparition is not at all out of bounds or beyond belief. The idea that there are already failed
predictions attributed to the apparition would already mark it out as failed and not to be taken seriously.