Originally posted by Ycon
You shouldn't say anything to anyone about spamming.
Your holyness, freshly ordained minister. Who is your God? Satan?
You registered on my site as natas or satan backwards and spammed all over my forum and chatroom under another name/insult.
Luckily for you, some people just over look this kind of attack
First off what the hell are you blabbering about now???
My God ??? Well I will give you a hint its not the ex con your running the site for.
No luck is needed when you are not guilty.
You know as well as I that I did not spam your web site.
Since you have now brought up the topic spam lets talk about YOUR spam.
You know as well as I and many others here that your are running a con game on people.
Also I have read numerous times here YOU being told by ATS staff to stop the wannabejesusconman posts and rants. However you continue to spam us
here with it along with that awful looking banner.
So now why don�t we tell the truth about what took place at your site.
Ycon recruited me in ATS chat to join her site. I felt sorry for her so I signed up and asked the ex con the old paradox question, can God make a
stone so big that he cannot lift it. I was told here in ATS chat by Ycon that it was a silly question and he would not be answering it.
This was about a week ago.
I then posted a question at Ycon's site and then BANNED for stating that it was censorship and you two were mere cons and frauds because you refuse
to answer the question
So if I am BANNED how the hell can I spam your website???
I am not a hacker. I cannot even access it.
I get this
You have been banned from this forum.
Please contact the webmaster or board administrator for more information.
And back at the ATS ranch....
Oddly enough folks the question is answered in an ATS posting today by JHAUSTIN who stated he/she/it cannot reveal their source.
I believe that source as well as JHAustin to be B*R*I*A*N-or-Y*C*O*N or JHAustin to be the latest victim to be had by these 2 cons artists.
Ycon I am not here on ATS to rant with you about this anymore.
William has stated that he does not want to have this crap on ATS so this is the last I am going to speak of it here on ATS. If you want to pursue
this any farther I am more than glad to oblige you but not here on ATS.
And just an observation of your website.
Being that you have a lot of the same forums names as ATS are you here to leech off ATS to acquire members for you site? It looks tht way to me and I
would thing some others as well.
Originally posted by Ycon
Luckily for you, some people just over look this kind of attack
Ycon, I am asking you to please not make anymore false allegations or threats towards me.
*Edited for Spelling
[Edited on 12-6-2003 by MiStErBeLLaTrIx]