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This time i am serious about making an ats mirc chat room!! It will be there incase the site is dow

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posted on Jun, 10 2003 @ 10:23 PM
I will not tell the channel name in here, just incase it is a dos attack. If simon Gray or William wants to have the chat room as a back up, just contact me through aim. Simon gray just pm me your screen name if you want to do it. There will be a key for the channel. Also do not think about finding my ip so you can look for it on mirc, i will be logged in using a proxy. Also if the channel gets attacked you will be sorry you ever messed with me.

I may be taking this too seriously, but it sounds like this site is victim of a dos attack.

posted on Jun, 10 2003 @ 10:36 PM
I strongly urge you not to associate an IRC chat channel with ATS.

It is very possible we were attacked with an IRC zombie, as the pattern of attacks fit the profile. In the future, a hacker would take great joy in using the computers of ATS members to attack the site.

posted on Jun, 10 2003 @ 10:41 PM
How can they find the irc channel if I do not tell it on this message board. Also if i make it "secret","private", and with a key. I did not know you could hack into an irc chat room. If you know any more secure chat method please tell me.

posted on Jun, 11 2003 @ 04:47 AM
Here's a couple ... Phone and snail mail
nearly everything over the internet can and prolly already has been hacked at. nothing's secure for long.

posted on Jun, 11 2003 @ 08:03 AM

From this point forward, no member should promote ATS through any massive means (bulk e-mail, bulk IRC, message boards, etc.) without the express permission of Simon Gray, Bob88, or myself.

Such spamming of Internet communications channels for promotional purposes can inspire disgruntled users of that channel to initiate Denial Of Service retribution.

In addition, while I am indeed in advertising, I do not ever promote spam of any type and will not tolerate the promotion of websites or services on my server in any manner that may be categorized as spam.

posted on Jun, 11 2003 @ 03:21 PM
hmm a novice could gain acceptance here join your irc chan and put some eggdrops , or idle get ops, or put some bots / shellz wait, and get ops, either way if your l33t enough and have the right connections , your channel will be back to you by next morning, ever heard of Chanfix?????

posted on Jun, 11 2003 @ 03:35 PM
I have the neccessary connections also, The only decent way you can make IRC work is as a closed server enviroment (some IRCD's support it) and make the entries IP Specific or passworded, all ip's and details will be logged and stored, hell i could even read your messages if i went far enough.

IRC is a good system of long as you have someone smart setting the rules down.

posted on Jun, 11 2003 @ 04:29 PM
I never said i was going to spam.

posted on Jun, 11 2003 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by ilovepizza
I never said i was going to spam.

You went into the ATS chatroom 2 -3 weeks ago and said you just spammed an IRC channel,
that you pissed off the OPs and were kicked.

I would not be surprised if you are not the cause and effect for the latest events that ATS has experienced.

Meaning you pissed on the wrong people and they think you represented ATS.

Spelling correction

[Edited on 12-6-2003 by MiStErBeLLaTrIx]

posted on Jun, 11 2003 @ 09:10 PM
No, i did it once and the only one op from the channel i spamed came in my channel. He said he would leave my channel, but he thought the site was decent so he ideled.

posted on Jun, 11 2003 @ 09:15 PM
No one would do a dos attack on this site just because i spamed in an irc channel for 30 seconds. Oh i also did not spam this site, i just spamed the channel.

posted on Jun, 11 2003 @ 09:35 PM

You shouldn't say anything to anyone about spamming.

Your holyness, freshly ordained minister. Who is your God? Satan?

You registered on my site as natas or satan backwards and spammed all over my forum and chatroom under another name/insult.

Luckily for you, some people just over look this kind of attack

posted on Jun, 11 2003 @ 09:43 PM
LoL ycon I you have the big holy conspiracy bar at the bottom of a post about dont talk about spaming. Not there is any thing wrong with it, just that it is funny.

posted on Jun, 11 2003 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by Ycon

You shouldn't say anything to anyone about spamming.

Your holyness, freshly ordained minister. Who is your God? Satan?

You registered on my site as natas or satan backwards and spammed all over my forum and chatroom under another name/insult.

Luckily for you, some people just over look this kind of attack

First off what the hell are you blabbering about now???
My God ??? Well I will give you a hint its not the ex con your running the site for.
No luck is needed when you are not guilty.
You know as well as I that I did not spam your web site.

Since you have now brought up the topic spam lets talk about YOUR spam.
You know as well as I and many others here that your are running a con game on people.
Also I have read numerous times here YOU being told by ATS staff to stop the wannabejesusconman posts and rants. However you continue to spam us here with it along with that awful looking banner.

So now why don�t we tell the truth about what took place at your site.

Ycon recruited me in ATS chat to join her site. I felt sorry for her so I signed up and asked the ex con the old paradox question, can God make a stone so big that he cannot lift it. I was told here in ATS chat by Ycon that it was a silly question and he would not be answering it.

This was about a week ago.

I then posted a question at Ycon's site and then BANNED for stating that it was censorship and you two were mere cons and frauds because you refuse to answer the question
So if I am BANNED how the hell can I spam your website???
I am not a hacker. I cannot even access it.
I get this

You have been banned from this forum.
Please contact the webmaster or board administrator for more information.

And back at the ATS ranch....
Oddly enough folks the question is answered in an ATS posting today by JHAUSTIN who stated he/she/it cannot reveal their source.

I believe that source as well as JHAustin to be B*R*I*A*N-or-Y*C*O*N or JHAustin to be the latest victim to be had by these 2 cons artists.

Ycon I am not here on ATS to rant with you about this anymore.
William has stated that he does not want to have this crap on ATS so this is the last I am going to speak of it here on ATS. If you want to pursue this any farther I am more than glad to oblige you but not here on ATS.

And just an observation of your website.
Being that you have a lot of the same forums names as ATS are you here to leech off ATS to acquire members for you site? It looks tht way to me and I would thing some others as well.

Originally posted by Ycon
Luckily for you, some people just over look this kind of attack

Ycon, I am asking you to please not make anymore false allegations or threats towards me.

*Edited for Spelling

[Edited on 12-6-2003 by MiStErBeLLaTrIx]

posted on Jun, 12 2003 @ 12:17 AM
Bella, I'm not gonna argue about this. I lifted the ban to give you another chance. You came back and registered as natas and appearrantly got bored when ATS was down and registered another name, what was it "yconandbrianarecons" and you did your satan666 spam in about 8 forums. The IP addy of all 3 names belonged to you. Is all this just a bunch of "coincidences" ??? Are you gonna tell me there are others using your computer, that hate me as much as you do???

Another thing, I didn't recruite you.

I don't know about you bella, I thought you were a friend. I enjoyed conversations with you in ATS chatroom. It was nice knowing you.

posted on Jun, 12 2003 @ 12:50 AM
Is this a bunch of coincidenses No it is a bunch of Bull S.hit is what it is.
You can say what you will as you know you recruit me and by recruiting I mean chatting about your site saying you wanted me to join, others from ATS have joined, you need to join,etc�
Hell you are just a lurker here acquiring members that�s all your about.

I read where William said your forum software was highly hackable.
I am not the only person on the net that has used natas , satan 666, lucifer, etc�
You are more than welcome to contact my ISP to pursue it and lets get to the bottom of this Bull#!!!!.
And I do not hate you I feel sorry for you that�s why I joined then found out the con/scam your running. Make no mistake about it that I believe that.

Yeah I was pissed that ya banned me but I did not spam you.
I am saying this one final time Ycon,

Do Not Make False Allegations Against Me!

An as IP addresses and names goes I believe you are making that BS up because I have called you out.

posted on Jun, 12 2003 @ 12:58 AM
say what you want bella. God knows whose telling the truth

posted on Jun, 12 2003 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by Ycon
say what you want bella. God knows whose telling the truth

And it sure the hell ain't you!

posted on Jun, 12 2003 @ 01:04 AM
Just grab another ip , my ip lets me grab as many as I want, you can even boot people off line if you grab a live ip in your subnet
just do in a cmd prompt, ipconfig -all
and in you network connection open proerties for tcp/ip and dont use btain automatic, use , use the following for both options. Then try a different ip . If you dont know someones ip on your ip block, just try changing the last octet.

With this you will never be banned anywhere again. Also try ipv4 or ipv6.
~good luck

posted on Jun, 12 2003 @ 02:16 AM
Isnt that illegal bigbrother.

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