posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to:
The usage of 'Survival Bias' to support an argument immediately eviscerates said argument.
The fact that you have not been shot does not indicate that you should NOT have been shot. You could have been shot for at least two things here.
1. Someone commenting on a 12 y/o BLACK kid's death, using a confederate battle flag motif (Please don't say, "It's the fiddle song that I love.") in
his signature adds no effing credibility to their take on the situation.
2. The ASSUMPTION that the child was reared poorly from this film is so freaking astonishing. To do so means you are obviously blessed with profound
gifts of ESP. Because that cop blew that kid away away in an instant with no overt action to trigger it.
How the hell are you still a moderator? As a matter of fact, how come you aren't dead for being such a merciless fascist?
Stating a pre-pubescent boy has to know every means of surviving a solitary city park excursion and to apply those lessons diligently, with no errors,
sort of defeats the purpose of parks. They are meant for you to run around and act differently than you do in the living room.
I know only what is presented here by you about you. The kid's actions fit into being a normal kid. Thus you are not only not normal
(Imposing/justifying death sanctions on a BLACK kid while parading your prejudiced #$%.) but a bigot.
Screw off.