Most of us are in college simply because we have no idea what else to do, and this is what is expected of us.
a reply to:
You are at such an amazing place right now. You have the tools and the resources to do such much more than my generation ever thought of doing.
I don't start threads often because no one is really interested in what I have to say on ATS, so I don't write for ATSers really. I write for the
lurkers, the seekers, and the people that we never hear from.
Don't get me wrong. I lover ATS, and I enjoy participating in some of the forums, that is until the trolls take over. Or we start hitting a brick wall
because all listening has been suspended. At that point it becomes all about convincing everyone that you are right, and all others must concede.
I wrote a thread about a week ago, it died like all my threads, putting another notch in my belt, concerning the generations that are living in our
present. I wanted to discuss how the generations before ours impacted us, and what impact our generation has or will have on the generations that will
Every generation learns something from the generations that came before. They learn what works and what doesn’t. As a child you believe what you
are told and you do as you are told, as you mature and have your own life experiences. You will develop your own thoughts and ideas. Your
understanding of what is right, wrong, good or bad, may change.
Remember this always; Everything you are taught as truth is something that someone else has accepted as truth, and has convinced enough others, that
it is accepted as fact. Truth is nothing more than what you choose to believe and accept.
Learn from our mistakes. Look beyond today and what you can see and touch. Do not sacrifice life, joy, community and future, for anything that will
end up in a landfill in a couple of years. Cherish what is given that was not made, that which cannot age or decay.
Look at what people “need” not what people want. Seek a career that will address those needs. Find a place that you like and respect, that is
already working at doing what you love doing. Find a mentor that will train and respect you. An apprenticeship may take you a lot further than a
college degree or it may boost your chances of doing what you really want to do.
My father told me something that has guided my choices in life and it has worked for me. His words were; “If you have the choice of a job that pays
you a 100 dollars an hour that you hate, and a job that pays you 5 dollars an hour that you love, always take the 5 dollar an hour job.”
He also added; “Most jobs will have you working 8 plus hours a day.” “The only other thing that you give that much time to is sleep.” My
father never had the opportunity to go beyond Elementary school. So you see wisdom does not always come from those with higher education.