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Michael Crichton and his book on global warming

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posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 08:22 AM
a new book is out talking about the fear of global warming.this book would of been a best seller 30 years ago but now there not much room for doubt now.some of us are starting to wonder are these earth quakes made by all the drilling and mining over the years.or are they the polar ice caps melting and creating plates to shift.what ever it is global warming is not a joke.we tried to ignore it but its here to stay.there still a few out there that just cant handle it.thats fine we understand it not eveyones cup of just the plate under the link to the book.

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 09:50 AM
I like his books and I will be looking for that particular one, in the book stores, so thanks for the tip.

And as for global warming, well I have to say that our weather has been quite strange this year, so far our winter in the south has been mixed with a couple days of freezing with a wonderful spring type of warming, I think we are going to have a late winter again like last year.

And my trees and plants are budding too early. And I have to give up on planting tulips.

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by flukemol
a new book is out talking about the fear of global warming.this book would of been a best seller 30 years ago but now there not much room for doubt now.some of us are starting to wonder are these earth quakes made by all the drilling and mining over the years.or are they the polar ice caps melting and creating plates to shift.what ever it is global warming is not a joke.we tried to ignore it but its here to stay.there still a few out there that just cant handle it.thats fine we understand it not eveyones cup of just the plate under the link to the book.

His book does not support the environmentalist point of view, rather it proclaims that people are given false information to spread fear and further political agenda's.

It's about time for a mainstream book about this IMO...

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Starwars51

His book does not support the environmentalist point of view, rather it proclaims that people are given false information to spread fear and further political agenda's.

It's about time for a mainstream book about this IMO...

If so, that makes me want to read it more.

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by parrhesia

Originally posted by Starwars51

His book does not support the environmentalist point of view, rather it proclaims that people are given false information to spread fear and further political agenda's.

It's about time for a mainstream book about this IMO...

If so, that makes me want to read it more.

WOW! indeed! I love this author, and I own a lot of his books, but this does not make sense to me! Inthe cold war, the government had everyone on their toes! But the people knew about it, and the government was doing something about it: Degrading communism.

But what is the government doing to hold us on our toes? they're denying the fact that it exists, they prolonged the time till they will... I mean if they wanted to instill fear, they would hold bakc industry and tell people to cut down. Now THAT would make sense.

I look forward to reading this absolute nonsense to see where he comes up from this, because he is a very smart man, and I'll credit him with that, but all ANYone has to do, is look outside the window, and see that this is not some made up "trick" from our misleading goverment.

But my argument might change after I read the book, so I will, but either way, this is looking to put a very bad curve in the reputation of Mr. Crichton.

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 02:59 PM
I saw an interview where MC says the whole global warming thing is a myth perpetuated by people in need of research surprised me, because even if he can show the evidence on a few projects is shaky, its dangerous to undermine other potentially credible research projects...

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by radagast
I saw an interview where MC says the whole global warming thing is a myth perpetuated by people in need of research surprised me, because even if he can show the evidence on a few projects is shaky, its dangerous to undermine other potentially credible research projects...

How? I went to the mall Saturday. Disprove that or prove it. We're talking immposible odds here. Is Mr. Bush a crook or a good guy? We'll never know. He can disprove that cells make up the human body, but no one will ever believe him. Again, I must read this book, but lets not forget that he IS a fictional author and that big people can be pursuaded into misinforming the public. That's why these forums were made, let's not forget that.

....God, I'd hate to think that they got my dear Crichton...

[edit on 3-1-2005 by humanoidcontent]

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 02:57 PM
yesterday and I have to say, I liked it. The main character reminded me of how I once took what the propagandist said about global warming for truth until I began to research it on my own about 5 years ago.

Some will tell you this book sides with the industrialist against environmentalist but in reality, if one reads with attention to detail, what you will find is it attempts to draw concern for environment back to the real issues we should be addressing.

Many will attack the author as biased but what you will not here is (accurate) data to his research which is included throughout the book. For some, the inclusion of so many charts and graphs and lectures will spoil the story line and for me, it almost came close. After a a few lectures, I was well informed of the idea and just wanted to see how it came out.

Many myths held by uneducated hollywood "limosine liberals and gulfstream environmentalist" are taken to task including one of my personal favorites, the idea that its cool to have villages of starving people in 3rd world countries while they set back in one of their many vacation homes.

The idea of preserving nature including the villages of starving people is also taken to task. Nature is ever changing. A good point put forth also.

I reccomend to anyone concerned with the real agenda of these multi-million dollar fundraising machines and who is overseeing what they do with all that money to read this book.

[edit on 5-1-2005 by astrocreep]

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by flukemol
a new book is out talking about the fear of global warming.this book would of been a best seller 30 years ago but now there not much room for doubt now.

Actually there is probably more scholarly doubt as to the nature of global warming than in the past. I noticed that he referenced Lombergs work quite a bit, which is critical of global warming and hysteria about the environment and is not exactly widely rejected. The timming is quite appropirate on chrichton's part. But keep in mind its a fiction book. Its about a group of ecoterrorists. Infact, the sections that don't involve environmental science make very interesting reading, particularly the parts about the terrorists organizations and the methodology in which they are countered.

some of us are starting to wonder are these earth quakes made by all the drilling and mining over the years

I simply don't understand why people would think this, it doesn't even begin to make sense. The bore holes for drilling are miniscule, and while mining can have effects on the surounding area, humans simply aren't mining and drilling on any sort of level to affect plate tectonics.

.or are they the polar ice caps melting and creating plates to shift.

There is no sensible relation between ice caps melting and the tectonic plates of the crust of the earth.

what ever it is global warming is not a joke.

I don't think chrichton's book treats it as a joke. He certainly pokes fun at people who uncritically accept it tho.

we tried to ignore it but its here to stay.there still a few out there that just cant handle it.thats fine we understand it not eveyones cup of tea.

State of Fear is, as I said, a work of fiction. But chrichton researched the science behind it for quite some time before writting the book. In it, he includes actual references to scientific articles and books on the subject, his characters infact make reference to them and he works actual temperature charts and diagrams into the plot of the book and shows them to the reader. Ultimately the conlcusion of his characters, and apparently himself, based on the evidence, is that global warming is not something that people need to panic about and that CO2 emissions don't need to be drastically cut back, and,importantly, that developing countries don't need to be restricted in their industrialization because of global warming.

How come you haven't addressed the issues and evidence he brought up in the book? I assume you read it no?

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
I like his books and I will be looking for that particular one, in the book stores, so thanks for the tip.

I don't agree with everything he pushes for in the book, but its another good one from him. Its interesting to because, if you read Eaters of the Dead, you might rember that he had footnotes, references, and a discussion of sources there too. I've never checked the sources for that work, because its obviously entirely a work of fiction. This one also uses references and the like, but he goes thru an introduction and even an closing section on how the references are real and correct and what his position on the issues are an all of that.

And as for global warming, well I have to say that our weather has been quite strange this year
I don't think that anyone advocating the existence of global warming would say that its having an effect on the weather and tempurature right now, certainly not enough to alter the seasons.

But what is the government doing to hold us on our toes? they're denying the fact that it exists, they prolonged the time till they will... I mean if they wanted to instill fear, they would hold bakc industry and tell people to cut down. Now THAT would make sense.

But if you will notice, politicians back the existence of global warming and send reps to conferences on it and sign agreements about it. Chricton actually makes this direct comparision (i'm sure its not his original idea) between the red scare and the current environmental scare. Heck, people are so crazy over it that they think earthquakes are the result of pollution.

But my argument might change after I read the book

Well, he has his characters use actual information, at least when he cites it and gives the reference in the footnotes, so his arguement is open to consideration. Its actually a rather fast paced book and he manages to keep it interesting.

The main character reminded me of how I once

Wasn't it interesting how the main character, the lawyer, wasn't the 'hero', in a way? He was the regular guy that has to get everything explained ot him, for the sake of the reader.

I don't think that, as some have said, that chrichton is saying the researchers are lying and commiting fraud. Infact, in the book he deals with that charge when its leveled agianst people who don't find evidence for it. The conspiracy isn't intentional and coordinated, its the people themselves who look for data to confirm their pre-existing perceptions, or who even subconsiously allow bias to creep into their analyses of the data, with the result being a cultural perception of global warming that influences, non-insidiously, the science. No 'smoking man' of x-files fame is required here.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Wasn't it interesting how the main character, the lawyer, wasn't the 'hero', in a way? He was the regular guy that has to get everything explained ot him, for the sake of the reader.

I don't think that, as some have said, that chrichton is saying the researchers are lying and commiting fraud. Infact, in the book he deals with that charge when its leveled agianst people who don't find evidence for it. The conspiracy isn't intentional and coordinated, its the people themselves who look for data to confirm their pre-existing perceptions, or who even subconsiously allow bias to creep into their analyses of the data, with the result being a cultural perception of global warming that influences, non-insidiously, the science. No 'smoking man' of x-files fame is required here.

Actually, I didn't take it as he was calling it all fraud either. Merely looking at the motivations of politicians and fundraising and the lengths they will go to. Remember all the reports being released by scientist which were being changed just before publication?

I've always believed that of you pay someone to go find something, they will if its remotely possible.


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