posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 02:38 PM
I'm sick of all this hating on the United States of America, just sick and freaking tired of it! It doesn't matter the thread anymore before someone
weighs in and has some snarky negative comment about America.
Well considering that the majority of posts that are made on ATS are about America or Americans it would be hard not to have anyone making negative
comments about the country.
I think the hardest thing for non Americans to swallow is that the US openly acts appallingly to it citizens and the rest of the world but they still
want to think that's its the greatest country in there is. America always manages to come up with some catchy spin on why they HAVE to act the way
they do and while the rest of the world see's it for total BS a large chunk of Americas just blindly swallow it up.
Americas love to think their constitution is some unique masterpiece that sets them apart from the rest of the world but fail to realize that many
other countries have the same thing just under a different name. Its a useless document anyway because just about every thing written their has be
compromised in one way or another.
I honestly think that the second amendment is one of the biggest system of control that the government has yet most Americans see it as one of the
things that proves they still have freedom. Its almost like Americans are willing to suffer just about anything the government does to them as long as
they get to keep their gun's. It makes they feel safer and many of them think its the one thing that stops the government from being totally
tyrannical. They think there is a constant threat that the government is trying to take their guns off them so they can get away with anything they
want. But there's nothing further from the truth. The government just like to threaten to take the guns away and when they public seems to shout them
down over the issue they go settle down and go back to thinking they have secured their freedoms.
At he end of the day if Americans didn't have the right to guns in the first place then they might start really standing up for the things that really
matter. People why the police get away with shooting first and asking questions later its because they can always cite there might have been a threat
of them or others getting shot.
One thing that always gets me is a lot of Americans never want to take any sort of collective responsibility for anything bad that happens. Its a
country that wanted to keep slavery so badly they actually had a civil ware about it. Not that it did any good because racism is still rife and
instead of freely controlling the slaves they have the largest prison population in the world comprised mainly of minorities. But as long as its all
out of the way and cant be seen from their respectable gated communities no one one seems to care enough to do anything about it. The people who dont
get enslaved into the prison system just end up getting totally enslaved into crippling debt through college loans and the health system.
The one thing America just seems to excel in is confidence.