posted on Oct, 6 2015 @ 05:00 PM
This is my first thread, so please be gentle.
Most of these shootings have a common link, (besides the use of guns) and that is a history of mental illness and use of anti-depressant medication.
Having said that, I do not believe by just being on an anti-depressant medication prescription is enough to hinder one from acquiring a firearm, but
those medical providers who issue the anti-depressants (IMO) are the public's first line of defense from these incidents.
With the medical field moving to EMR ( Electronic Medical Records), providers are now more connected than ever. I feel that having a provider who
issues anti-depressants to patients should have a process in which they can evaluate the patient with certain questions and certain situations to
determine if the patient in question is a risk to own, or in certain cases, live in a household with access to firearms.
I understand that this will not fix the problem completely, but I think this is a great staring point. With the vast education process our medical
providers go through, I feel they are more than qualified to fill this role.
edit on 6-10-2015 by Skymoonwalker because: (no reason given)