posted on Oct, 3 2015 @ 08:48 PM
As an experiencer of face to face and their download type communication, or telepathy, projections, etc. I don't choose the contact. Would I
attempt to do a positive communication if there wasn't this duality thing going on on earth, and so much fear based ufology? Who knows?
But, to me, when you open that door, deliberately, aside from just sending out a playful happy thought, show up, outside under the stars, or anything
an average person in a positive playful and explorative mood might do, because we're protected in normal things, despite having contact, wouldn't
recommend just doing this.
They think, the pirate types or more negative side, that once you seek the door is open, permission given. Its a hard door to close, and usually it
involves things under the covers of your consciousness that may give hints from time to time that you are having more things going on, than just that
surface communication, that in your mind is just person to person, but usually it involves dna extraction, night time relocations, and a whole lot of
other things that one doesn't need.
Don't get fear based, but also don't seek for trouble where its not needed, because they're up there, corporal and entity, both sides of the spectrum
and everything inbetween.
You don't have to listen to me at all about this, everyone has a mind of their own and some want to prove things to themselves, and push at the
windows and doors of the boxes in life, and its good that people are like this. More good than not, and there is protection no matter what door may
open. Just bare in mind that if anything should start to drain you, upset you, traumatize you, there is ways, methods out of it. You can rise above
it and seek positive protection from anything that you may not like.
Research Cern, Mary Rodwell, James Gilliland, and meditation, but I suggest if it gets rough, to simply be honest with yourself and your own soul,
Family above, God/Mom/Dad, and if you're more aware, your Family up there, or the Hero's watching over, and simply say, need some help. SOS. Thank
you so much, didn't mean to be a trouble to you, but need to be able to assist others. Thank you so much! Just be open and honest and speak up, and
ask for the help you need, and direction to be shown what you can do each day to counter it.