posted on Oct, 3 2015 @ 05:40 AM
Hey guys, do you know about the true, singular, potent and incredibly adaptive energy of being?
Do you know how it can change your destiny..
Your body.
Your presence. Your ability to be active and work and help others.
I wrote this article a few days ago:
"In ancient Greece, the Daimon, or Daemon, had the same complex multi-faceted nature as Yakṣas. They were both godlike power and protective
guardians, nature spirits abiding in the space between humans and gods, dispensing riches and good fortune but remaining invisible. Daimōn means
deity. Daēmōn means knowing or wise. Daiō to divide, to distribute destinies, to allot. It is the same mix of power, knowing awareness wisdom, and
compassionate enriching activity as the Yakṣas."
LINKedit on 3-10-2015 by
Fevrier because: .