posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 05:29 PM
Just thoughts no facts read if you will.
Anything that has memory can dream and think. but not have a voice in their head which takes it to another level. When reading this you hear yourself
reading it yes? but my words are only pictures and objects which you're brain corresponds to a certain sound therefore you understand it. A person can
learn to speak fluently without ever reading. but when learning all the pictures that correlate to sound( alphabets, numbers every word ever...) one
begins to read. The sight of the picture automatically triggers the sound/ and or thought... What if your consciousness was sound that came from
different picture/sound correlations of a lets say apple then orange then kiwi then grape etc..(every possible fruit they also can be any color ex...
red grape has different meaning then blue or light blue or sky blue grape) alsowhile hearing the different piano sequences corresponding to that
color fruit. which are limitless like numbers and words. bare with me here so your consciousness would be music? also you could read by seeing that
certain fruit with that specific color. A 1-5 year would grasp this easliy and adult not so much.
Train your brain often. It doesent train itself anymore its use it or lose it after puberty imo
... What if a girl was born deaf and technology is finally advanced enough for her to hear is it wrong for to get idk electrode implants or whatever
to be able to hear. what if she was blind. Got implodes? Couldnt smell. Got implodes? for every 5 senses? She also fell down some stairs.(she was very
unlucky) and broke almost every bone but luckily doctors 3d printed her an exact replica of every bone and replace it. When would she be A.i or at
what point would you be scared..
So what makes you you? Why cant i upload all thoughts/experiences/memories to a 3d printed replica of me? still wont be man probably hw about i just
implant my brain into it and give myself wifi. And think what the internet thinks and know what it knows or what I know? and also what I knew. hooked
up to every camera. every microphone and speaker. Got a couple thousand of the worlds fastest and smallest proccessors implanted and got so good at
math and predicting patterns that I could predict the future? See the elites are no good and cause economic collapse? no use of money whatsoever
afterall what are the puny chimps suffering for if its more abandoned homes than occupied? I see that its resources for every person to have iphones
and ipads for every one. enough cars, video games, flat screens,homes, food, clothes for every human to have 100 literally. But we dont cause we dont
have enough money. What If i create that perfect society everyone wants and know can exist,where everything was $0.00 free of cost and greed. Money is
the only reason they dont have enough. How about paid with precious time doing whatever you love? making music, cooking, cleaning, football, flying
airplanes, store clerk anything. As long as you put in you get out and everything you wanted was free of cost but not energy. Even the most advanced
techs and costly disease cures that its enough of for everyone and if its not more can be created. unless its limited resources like gas or oil which
we wont need just because it cost less anymore. or have to eat other animals cause it cost less. Sign me up for Tranhumanism pleez
edit on
1-10-2015 by OmniscientAwareness because: post wasnt complete.
edit on 1-10-2015 by OmniscientAwareness because: consciousness was
spelled wrong in the title
edit on 1-10-2015 by OmniscientAwareness because: spell check
edit on 1-10-2015 by
OmniscientAwareness because: edit add