posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 09:45 AM
How can "entities", which are fictitious because they are only a piece of a greater simulated reality be conscious of the fact their simulated reality
is not real if they themselves are not real?.
Step away from the thing, the supposed reality you are immersed in and you can see there is a lot here that positively is not simulated or
The only part of this reality that is false or simulated is the human factor of it.
Everything here is real except people and the alterations they seem to need to make to everything around them.
The only thing that supports people's belief in this false reality are the beliefs' of the people in it that it is actually real.
I think I will go buy me a TV for the first time in 15 years and escape into "non-reality" until reality catches up to me and I can be free from this
simulated situation.
Reality is what remains after one stops believing in everything else.
Belief creates a false sort of reality, but just because one believes something does not make it any more real anywhere but
in their mind. Usually, only for the sake of making a sale.....