posted on Oct, 2 2015 @ 02:44 AM
Religion is no excuse to deny rights to others.
Christians seem so quick to defend their "right" to enforce their beliefs on everyone else, while refusing to realize that not everyone shares nor
wants to share their beliefs. At this point, someone is reading this thinking, "but America is a Christian country!!" I'll respond in advance by
saying: No. It isn't. I'm not here to argue the origin of the country. Was it founded to be a Christian nation? That's irrelevant right now. What is
important is that given similar situations, Christians do not approve of anyone encroaching on their beliefs. Take for example the recent (albeit
justified) paranoia about the Muslims (another religion who likes to think that no other belief systems are valid, therefore being non-existent)
imposing Sharia law in the USA. This is the United States. It is written in our constitution that we have the freedom of religion, which in turn can
mean freedom from religion.
Regardless upon which lofty pedestal you place your beliefs (or lack thereof), other people have adorned their own pedestals with their own beliefs
that may or may not match your own. They will not bend to your will, as they have a will of their own.