a reply to:
I dont agree though... my point is simply, for every person i meet in life in the street etc. who has a negative opinion of the Refugee crisis i meet
another ten whom i believe to have a more reasonable and "Christian" opinion on helping them.
then if i look across the UK as a whole, being fortunate enough to work in environments where i am dealing with the public or at least a reasonable
cross section of both class and education levels, i tend to find people have the opposite opinion with that of which you are citing.
Granted, i am in no way suggesting there are not pockets of people who agree with your view, however i am simply saying that even at 10% of the
population they are not really bringing enough to the table to warrant discussion in my opinion, the wonder of Democracy is everyone has a say,
however to counter that fact, Democracy simply means the opinion of the greatest cross section of society will be what the lesser pockets have to
adhere to..
so in essence even if you could prove 20% of the UK felt this should be discussed... (12 million people) one would assume 80% (48 million people) did
not feel the same and as the old saying goes, "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few"
the problem i feel the UK has at the moment, with the Red top papers being read by some many people, and the BBC being the propaganda wing of the
Government, it is easy to believe the whole of the UK is outraged by Refugees coming here and taking our jobs or "illegal immigrants on welfare" i
hear it quoted regularly... however im sure you are aware, an "illegal" immigrant cant in fact get benefits, due to the main issue that they are
Illegal in the country, and a refugee doesn't care about the jobs here, they just want to sleep somewhere which is a little bit less shooty and or
so using the above listed misdirection propaganda machine as reference, possibly using what can only be described as lightly veiled racist groups such
as Britain First and UKIP supporters pages and facebook as reference points, it is easy to presume the UK wants less immigrants, fears Islamic Rule
and wants to ban the Burkah, but if you actually drill down and chat to most 18-50 year old British people (the highest percentage of the UK voters)
across all of the UK and not your immediate area or friend group you will find as i do regularly that the general populace really has very little
opinion outwith that of positive help for the Refugees, they generally dont care what religion some person is, they couldn't care less if some is
dressed up in a burkah, even dressed as a ninja or possibly a space man, or even in full African tribal gear literally means nothing to them, at all,
its just a person in fabric...
the question i tried to answer that clearly you do not agree with is... since a tiny (TINY) minority of the UK can be both Xenophobic and Racist at
times, should every instance of "Proud British tradition" being diluted by "Foreigners" be discussed in parliament and Alas the answer is no.... it
should not, the UK is full of foreigners, you and i and everyone in the UK is at some point a Foreigner, likely Germanic or French if your family is
old enough, but high possibly Eastern European, Irish, Italian, Spanish, Roman (to name a few) the country's national dishes are pretty much, German,
Irish, Indian , the national drinks are German and French, the Language is Central European, the Religion is French or Roman...
so the fact that 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9....etc. % of the UK do not understand both history, "Christian" Values or just how it is to be a good Human being
should just once and for all be put to bed...
Maybe.. just Maybe... those who have a Hate-don for Refugees should possibly divert that anger towards the politicians that so readily get voted into
power whom pillage and slowly diminish "British values" under the guise of trying to help the common man, only while getting richer...
Just my thoughts