posted on Sep, 27 2015 @ 10:37 PM
I'm going to preface this topic with the inclusion of my knowledge that agreeing with the "cancer" diagnosis with the internet is never good.
I for the past few months have been getting enlarged lymph nodes every time that I've had alcohol to drink. It doesn't matter how big or how small,
my body doesn't care. Tonight has been a bit of a binge night and I've had seven beers and my lymph node above my Adam's apple is so big that I can
physically feel it while I swallow. Now, of course if you google "alcohol lymph nodes" all you see is Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Now, I'm worried mostly
about this. I had a blood test about a year ago that said that my white blood cell counts were off, but not by much. I had an ER visit that was
unrelated a few months later where they did blood screening and each count (Leukocytes and Lymphocytes) were only .5 off and the doctor said she
wasn't concerned... Should I make a visit with my primary care physicican for the node swelling that I've been noticing? Would a blood test do me
any good? I'm just truly worried that in the off chance that it IS cancer somehow... I don't know.