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The Migrant Invasion a cover for a Coordinated Event?

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posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 09:12 AM
When I first saw all this on the news, I thought how odd. Trojan Horse is what pops into my mind..., because this was not prompted by a natural disaster. Even the Nazis did not prompt a mass migration of Germans did they? Never underestimate a competitor or a desperate soul. This is why we have guns in the USA. I have never shot a gun and I don't believe in them, unless you hunt to eat or want to defend your home.

The whole Middle East is filled with hatred and misery. Those people are broken. Their governments and society cultural beliefs are broken. They can not tolerate anyone else or get along with each other. I remember in the 1960s seeing the news as a child watching the violence thinking they were broken back then. The whole area needs to be one nation. A one nation with controlled farming, wells, irrigation, schools, liberated women, a great mix of different churches. The people need to be mixed around and spread out differently. Great people from other nations should go there and set up the rules for a peaceful educated existence. The Muslims from America and other countries should return to their place of origins, teaching the old fourth world new ways to live in prosperity, peace, and with all persons being equal. Castrating the males at birth might straighten out theses people too. We neuter male dogs for aggression and wandering off creating negative drama. What's going on there is simply not working. It is all fourth world over there.

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: Korg Trinity

An excellent way to launch the Kalergi Plan.

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: Korg Trinity

I'm not from your planet, and have been observing you and your planet since 1969.

This technological singularity already occurred for you when you sent a man to the moon.

Now my advice to you as a species, as a world - is to do precisely what you want to. You seem like you're gearing up for Terminator warfare, and I as an observer would be delighted to witness this firsthand.

It's a rare spectacle to see a planet and her people cannibalize itself in ways that you continue doing by promoting such negative news on an ongoing basis, but as an observer, to firsthand see these events rather than through your planet's media engine is a real treat.

As you stated 'the outcome' of what happens with you as a species moving forward is unknown. And if you follow the 'white rabbit' per se of infinite probability combined with choice, you have yet to seem to catch on as a species that statistically anything is possible moving forward but your collective choice seems to veer towards warfare and strife.

You're finding the evidence of whatever choice you choose. You're defending yourselves as victims to that evidence by manipulating probability and statistics.

And me. I'm merely watching it all in entertainment.

Where does your species go from here? Extinction? OR inclusion in something greater than you currently seem capable and willing to imagine?

And more specifically. This 'migrant' invasion. After a while, every single one of you begins sounding like chicken little, which sincerely has me wondering are you individuals or just an extensive collective entity acting as the equivalent of a honeypot?
edit on 25-9-2015 by bgregory because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: Korg Trinity

In your OP, you talked about the strategic placement of these refugees. It triggered a memory of the tens of thousands of illegals that poured across our border (U.S.) early last year.

They were relocated all across the country, but We The People were not allowed to know to where they were being sent. Of course, the issue died out for a new and shinier headline. So, you may be on to something.

Perhaps all this has been planned in advance of the UN's plans to implement their agenda.

edit on 25-9-2015 by queenofswords because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: Korg Trinity

It's interesting you use the word exodus, because that is exactly what it is.

However what makes me suspicious is we have been subliminally led down this path.

The immediate association we have is biblical, and we had the Christian bale exodus film released around this time (give or take a few months) last year, before that again Christian bale in the recent batman film the dark night rises.

Are we being led to believe this exodus is timeous therefore we should welcome it... I imagine there is more. But then I imagine the Moah film also hints at other events to come ie the flood.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
a reply to: Korg Trinity

In your OP, you talked about the strategic placement of these refugees. It triggered a memory of the tens of thousands of illegals that poured across our border (U.S.) early last year.

They were relocated all across the country, but We The People were not allowed to know to where they were being sent. Of course, the issue died out for a new and shinier headline. So, you may be on to something.

Perhaps all this has been planned in advance of the UN's plans to implement their agenda.

I'm talking about ISIS terror cells situated within striking distance of all the major infrastructure...

Then the go will be given.... then boom and war on the streets of Europe.

posted on Oct, 2 2015 @ 08:28 PM

originally posted by: Korg Trinity
I have become more and more concerned as an English person as to what is happening across Europe at present.

I believe I have extrapolated what is going to happening and the reasons why but.... I have no proof other than my extrapolations.

I believe we are on the cusp of a massive organised and coordinated attack against western cities. A huge event that will make 9/11 look like nothing in comparison. A bombing of the basic infrastructure of Paris / Rome / London / Brussels / Berlin to name just a few obvious targets... but think the chances are other major cities will be involved too.

Normally for there to be any action taken there has to be a motivation, I think I understand what ISIS motivation and for that matter what the Islamic uprising is all about.

Not sure if you have ever heard the expression Technological Singularity. It is a term used for a point in time when The exponential growth of technology get's to a point where it is not possible to know where it will lead.

The Singularity is the culmination of the Wests ideological views and advances in technology driven by western/democratic countries interests.

If the Singularity comes to pass and it is estimated within the next 20 years, then in the eyes of Muslims the west will have won and it would mean the death of any hope they have for control over the world.

So the purpose of the Islamic uprising is to hamper and try and prevent the singularity from happening.

Due to the closeness of the singularity, we are now seeing an active invasion sweeping across Europe under the guise of migrant / asylum seekers.

Some of those people are genuine... but only one in four are from Syria.... so what prompted the move now....

Key people are being moved into key places awaiting the time to trigger what will go down in history as the darkest day on earth.

I can see it as clear as it could be....

If ever there was something to investigate this would be it.

Your thoughts on this are welcomed.


Your hunch is right.
You need to find out where these boats came from to find out what is going on
The boats these refugees used to enter Europe
My suspicion is Russia.
Could it be that Russia financed this operation to flood European nations with refugees maybe to also send in spys and sleeper cells.

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