posted on Jun, 9 2003 @ 12:10 PM
And I must say it is brilliant!
Things that are difficult to say when you're drunk:
1 Innovative.
2 Preliminary.
3 Proliferation.
4 Cinnamon.
Things that are VERY difficult to say when you're drunk:
1 Specificity.
2 British constitution.
3 Passive-aggressive disorder.
4 Transubstantiate.
Things that are down right IMPOSSIBLE to say when you're drunk:
1 Thanks, but I don't want to sleep with you.
2 Nope, no more booze for me.
3 Sorry, but you're not really my type.
4 No kebab for me, thank you.
5 I'm not interested in fighting you.
6 Oh, I just couldn't. no one wants to hear me sing.
7 Where is the nearest toilet? I refuse to vomit in the street.