posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 03:04 AM
originally posted by: olaru12
originally posted by: SGTkilt
a reply to: [post=19822357]
thanks for the support
No problem, you can still use it. Why the attitude?
OH! hahaha i get it! your doing that thing where you cop an attitude then pretend you weren't coping an attitude so you can accuse everyone who
responds of coping an attitude, hahaha great old trick....
i mean you can pretend all you want that this line isnt condescending "It will probably get more exposure there than a college radio station." but i
think it matters not what you convince yourself of your intentions.
regardless i see no attitude in him thanking you for your support, if his thanks come across as insincere then perhaps thats a Freudian slip revealing
that you didnt feel like you had given any actual support. in which case it is verified that you had an attitude. hmmmmmmm slippery slope here....
anyhow, congratulations SGTkilt! a college radio station is not insignificant, college students are some of the most over worked stressed out people
on earth, and you will have a mainline into their ear, stepping stones to your future. good work.
regarding paranormal experiences i havnt really had any worth contributing, other then briefly seeing the silhouette of a woman/ghost in my bedroom at
8 years old...