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White noise? Does it actually happen?

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posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 02:20 PM
Saw a preview for a movie by the same name and was wondering if this actually happens in the way the movie portrays? I assume its overly dramatized but just wondering if anyone has some experience with it. BTW sorry if this is covered lots, i couldnt find the search button in this forum

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 04:14 PM
White Noise is about Electronic Voice Phenomena , or EVP, the recording of "spirit" voices on tape. Yes, it looks hightly dramatized.
Here are some posts off of a google search :

Searching for "evp" via google under the Search tab will bring up about six
pages of posts.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 04:21 PM
Years ago they used to use White noise in Offices to drown out background noise in an attempt to create a quiet working environment. The only downside is that it caused lots of health problems for the workers, like headaches/migraines, and was eventually canned, although you can still buy "White Noise machines" for all sorts of problems.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 05:16 PM
Looks like a cool movie. Isnt "get out of my house!" an actual EVP recording? I swear I've heard it before, I think it is pretty well known. Awesome if they used a real one in the movie.

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 12:06 AM
There was a site i went to that was devoted to this subject i will try to find it again and post it. The recordings i listened to had to do with the murder of Laci Peterson . This type of phenom has been around for awhile now, and i believe it got started when ghost hunters would leave tape recorders at haunted sights overnight and then replay them at a later date, or would play back recordings and hear voices that were not there at the time of the investigation.
I am looking forward to seeing this movie as well !

P.S Happy New Year !

[edit on 1-1-2005 by parker]

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 12:44 PM
This is a movie I would like to see.
I've tried to get something on tape (voice), hasn't worked yet :-(

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 01:37 PM
I've just set up my home studio for this, but haven't tried it yet...

check out spiricom, and the recordings of Dr. George Jeffries Mueller. Over 20 hours of conversation and by far the most intriguing. The deceased physicist actually helped to further advance some of the methods used to pick up his voice clearer via attenuation of certain frequencies. Enjoy.

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 02:07 AM
i didnt work when you tried to get something on tape because the 'white speech' you are looking for isnt auditory.. well not at first... if i remember correctly.. 'sprist's' voives are either higher or lower than the frequencies of preceivable sound. You have to alter the frequency of the whole audio track in order to hear 'white speech'. think of it as a sixth sense... no wonder when there are spirits around animals go running... they hear better than humans.. ergo, thier sixth sense..

I do believe though it is possible to train the human ear to percieve there 'lost' frequencies...

the lost frequencies include:

'sub-auditory sounds' (white noise)
astral projection
remote viewing

i do believe once i have actually entered the lost frequency of sound.... i have heard the white noise phenomina myself...
it was quite simple really....
i attempted to remot view.. and in the proscess i was hearing some sort of speech around me.... (jsut to prove it wasnt being made up by my head, i heard it to the right of me...)

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 02:32 AM
I wonder if the military or anyone else has experimented to see if the voices can give useful information not obtainable by other means. Such as what happened or who killed who etc. So is there any free software that easily lets someone change the frequency on a sound file to listen to these voices if they are there?

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 02:39 AM
not that i am aware of...

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 02:40 AM
i guess ull ahve to google a program then get it from kazaa for free

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 03:08 AM
Here's some EVP's from Coast to Coast AM.

As a weird coincidence the White Noise movie commercial is on the radio right now as I'm writing this.

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 03:15 AM
umm that isnt exactly white noise.. u shouldnt hear anything in the white noise phenomina... untill u edit the tapes that is.. so i do not think that is exactly what we are looking for

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 10:16 AM
Sightings has some kick ass shows on this topic in it's mentioned by some, look for "EVP" (Electronic Voice Phenomena). The term "white noise" really refers more to background sound, and isn't the name of the paranormal phenomenon the movie is based on, but after AVP (Alien vs. Predator), they really couldn't call it EVP, hehe...(Elvis vs. Predator?)....

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 10:32 AM
ANOK posted a great site for EVPs. I like "I did" on a different page of

This phenomena is very real. I have several recordings of my own.

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by ivanglam
You have to alter the frequency of the whole audio track in order to hear 'white speech'.

How would we do that?
I can feel and preceive other ... frequecies is a good word.

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 10:52 PM
God this EVP stuff is interesting. I've always been skeptical about ghosts like my dad but there's really no other explanation for these voices (although my dad would find one). It sucks that I had to listen to those voices from by myself here at night because now I'm freaked and every little sound is gonna make me jump tonight. I was actually worried that just listening to the sounds online would bring something into my house. By the way, why does it have little "conversations" on the links on, like: (Brendan) "Hey, let's go look upstairs." (Kid maus) "I can't see." Who are Brendan and Kid Maus (just as examples from the site, there are other names on there) and what are these little conversations they're seemingly having?

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 01:51 AM
Hi Jiffy, group....hope everyone had a rockin' New Year.
Jiffy, you say you've set up a studio, ala please tell us a little more about your setup, ok? My friends/co-investigators in Psi Applications here in Calif are so impressed with Meeks/O'Neils' ,Mueller's and Macy's work, we're seriously considering trying to replicate some of their, admittidly, in-friggin'-credible results, expanding on Meek's original work.
If you're really into it, I hope you don't mind if I pick your brain occasionally, as there is only one member here who could truly be called skilled in electronics equipment (ex-military radioman) with the requisite garage packed to the rafters with every conceivable piece of electrical equipment manufactured anywhere from a week ago to the 1920s....hehe....I'm sure you know what I mean.
Anyway, when I heard some of Meek's original recordings, and researched his methodology/controls, my jaw just hit the floor and I'm not kidding. True conversations with the deceased? Not just a word here or there on a tape of otherwise blank white noise....actual question and answer, just the thought of it blows me away.
I'm really jazzed now to get a working setup and try to duplicate their work; I mean, this might very well be THE breakthrough that has only previously been theorized, for CENTURIES....and here we are, fortunate enough to be living at a time when it becomes possible. Sends shivers right down my cynical, scientifically-oriented, balding head all the way down to my size 13s!!!
So please, do give us the benefit of your knowledge/experience, as you procede, ok? I, for one, will be working on this end toward the same goal, so, let's share as we go along, if that's agreeable.
Man, I'll not be getting much sleep tonight, just going back to and following all the links and catching up on their monumental and fascinating research.
Looking forward....

Originally posted by Jiffy
I've just set up my home studio for this, but haven't tried it yet...

check out spiricom, and the recordings of Dr. George Jeffries Mueller. Over 20 hours of conversation and by far the most intriguing. The deceased physicist actually helped to further advance some of the methods used to pick up his voice clearer via attenuation of certain frequencies. Enjoy.


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