posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 11:38 PM
Well I don't know about Jesus, or comets... But economics is something I've always been interested in. So...
Everyone who pays attention knows the CPI is manipulated, to show the lowest amount of inflation possible. Products are swapped out for cheaper
versions, or removed from the listing etc... Anyways did anyone else notice the BIG difference in what was listed as the main source of measurement
today (Friday) ?
Whole-Sale prices, were used as the named measurement today instead of the basket of consumer goods usually used ( and manipulated).. The announcement
was something along the lines ( yes im paraphrasing cause I didn't stenograph it) Whole-Sales prices had barely increased, so inflation for this
fiscal year was less than predicted.
I guess if you're buying crates of toilet-paper, inflation hasn't affected you... Now if they used, say the consumer staple of Milk...
I guess I'm trying to say, that forecasting the doom of the U.S. debt based economy is like saying " I predict Christmas will occur towards the end of