posted on Jun, 9 2003 @ 01:29 AM
The Bush black mark on American history is drawing to an end.
Today two Al Qaeda senior operatives in captivity put paid to the idea that Al Qaeda/Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were working in tandem.
And a friendly fellow in Toronto published this in The Sun:
According to intelligence sources outraged by the corruption and perversion of the national intelligence function for political reasons, the main
source of lies and distortions about Iraq was Iraqi exiles, many on the payroll of the U.S. government.
These anti-Saddam exiles fed the Pentagon and New York Times a stream of phony claims about Iraqi WMD.
Though scorned by the CIA, they were closely linked to American neo-conservatives in key positions within the Bush administration.
When the CIA couldn't find hard evidence of Iraqi WMD a new intelligence unit, the Office of Special Plans, was created.
Intelligence community protests over this blatant politicization of national security were ignored.
In fact, two more anti-Iraq intel teams, led by Pentagon neo-cons, were set up and all three reportedly fed exaggerated information to Bush and Blair.
Similar reports came to Powell.
Meanwhile, neo-con writers in the American media provided agitprop for the war.
Many of the senior officials involved were members of the Project for the New American Century, a hawk-ish, far-right group close to Israel's Likud
party that in 2000 (prior to 9/11) called for the invasion of Iraq and Iran, and worldwide American dominion.
Given the lack of WMD in Iraq, these red-faced neo-cons now claim the weapons were moved to Syria and Iran, their next war targets.
A few cans of poison or mustard gas and flasks of germs may yet be discovered in Iraq (or, more likely, planted there).
Even so, these are not weapons of mass destruction. Mustard and nerve gas are battlefield weapons. They are inefficient, and must be dispensed by
special aircraft, shells or missiles, none of which Iraq possessed in 2003.
So, can Bush weasel his way out of his program of lies, because it was weak intelligence?
Does that justify the call to war on Iraq?
I thing he has hanged himself pretty good.