a reply to:
I was saying pretty much the same thing to some friends this week. The same is happening in Australia too.
The doors have been flung wide open for people from the third world..never mind the stopping the boats policy of recent announcement of more refugee
intakes. These are sideshows to what's really going on, distractions for the masses.
Who knew that is currently close to a million Indians in Australia? That's a huge figure for a group of people who've only recently started migrating
here in large numbers.
And that's just Indians. What about the rest?.
What it's all about is destroying the strong Western Christian values and ideals our Western nations are built upon. Because those are the things
which have made us dominant, those are the things which have allowed us to have better rights and better wages and better living conditions.
The people coming here don't have these things back home so they don't care for these things. They come here and still work like slaves for # money.
More and more where I live and work I'm seeing flat rate agreements for workers coming into effect. Coincidence that those industries have massive
amounts of Indians and other new comers?
Western nations are a minority and the odd ones out.
We are going to be brought down to the living standards and wage rates of developing third world hell holes. There will obviously still be some high
paying jobs around, but by and large most workers will get screwed and be worse off.
And that's one aspect of what's going on.
The other aspect is the obvious clash of civilizations and cultures.
See when people from Europe migrated after WW2 integration wasn't an issue because at the end of the day cultural ideals and what not are the same if
not similar and compatible.
These people coming now are not compatible with our culture in the west.
Not in large numbers anyway.
And when muslims have enough numbers in any given place they start to cause problems.
In the state I live in a muslim cemetery proposal was denied approval because of the problems it would cause. They do not bury people in coffins was
one issue.
I really do feel for the people fleeing Syria. But Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Oman, UAE and Qatar are all wealthy counties that could take these people
and resettle then there. Why does it have to still be the west?
These people would be better off in those countries not ours.
but of course we know why..