posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to:
Deaf Alien
Well, no.
Mathematics do not lead to life. Two plus two does not equal bouncing babies all over the place, otherwise maths classes would be an awful lot
noisier than I remember them. Personally I have no talent with numbers.
What I do know is that mathematical models also change, when new values are inserted as they are discovered. You can have a very neatly worked out
theory, with lots of pretty symmetry and synergy happening, but the moment a new value has to be added because it has been perceived in the universe
for the first time, that model also has to change, and you know its worth by whether or not that model stands up as well with the new data added to
it, as it did before. If not, it cannot be a complete or accurate mathematical model, and needs to be either scrapped, or amended, as ones searches
and explorations bring new things to light.
I think rather than figuring out which is greater, science or mathematics, one should view those things as two halves of a whole, merely parts in a
greater machine of understanding. These, along with a human thirst for understanding, a desire to explore, to discover, to see the previously unseen,
and know the unknown, all together, are what add up to a rounded and complete view of what we know of the universe, of existence. Absent any one of
these things, we would know nothing like as much as we do!